
Yes, because a woman would put her kids into a life raft alone so she can usher some anonymous old folks onto boats of their own. If you find that plausible and compelling, so be it. I thought it reeked of hacky writing. I love this show, but this was not the best-written episode, in my opinion.

Except there was no imminent danger when she put her kids in the boat. Actually, it was her weirdly meaningful goodbye to them that signaled to the TV audience that there was going to be a surprise attack. It was utterly goofy.

Jon Snow's uninspiring inspirational speech definitely marked this as a non- GRR Martin episode. Without Martin's rueful wit, this series devolves into standard fantasy boilerplate pretty quickly— complete with the sympathetic mother-warrior who puts her kids on a boat, without her, FOR NO DISCERNIBLE REASON. This

So that's what VEEP would be like if Julia Louis-Dreyfus wasn't sexy as shit. Noted.

Kang admits that he can find Tina Fey's comedies to be trying-too-hard sometimes, but how does 'Mean Girls' do the opposite of what it's supposed to? Kang finally watched it recently and was impressed at the nuances and the sophistication of the message.

Kang cannot. CAN. NOT. Make heads or tails of the plot of The Big Sleep. And I've got a goddamned time machine!

*Opens mouth, doesn't see point in keeping mouth full of throwup*

All is Lost is terrific. Kang also was scared of no dialogue but it's completely compelling cinema.

Kang agrees. Kang has fancy plan. And pants to match.

Wrong Kang. For the ZILLIONTH TIME. Don't make be go back in time and kill Matt Groening. Kang doesn't have many principles, but using the terrible privilege of time mastery to mess with The Simpsons? That would be wrong.

Kang saw the trailer for this before 'Fury Road'— it's a cold open with Alec Baldwin, in full Air Force uniform, screaming at Bradley Cooper and Danny McBride. Then it segued into a life-affirming, earnest love story where Bradley Cooper is redeemed through love with Emma Stone while a just-got-out-of-bed Bill Murray

Kang saw this on a flight between 2036 and 2011. Can sum it up like this:

mary is right. The scene where he reveals himself as a Targaryen was one of the highlights of the entire show. People who ignore the value of scenes like that are the same people who constantly complain 'When the Dragons gonna fuck up King's Landing'… i.e. , ignoring the pleasures of the show so they can get to the

Actually, Kang rather loved Maester Aemon. Thought he was one of the few really, really good guys on the show. So…. Yes. Kang submits two shits. Sealed in plastic, of course! Kang is not a baboon.

Hiding Sonia in between Sims and Nabin is like trying to slip your condoms in between toothpaste and antiperspirant.

DOOM. Never stops referring to himself in the third person. Kang finds that insufferable.

Of course! Kang does on occasion forget he has a time machine. Linville's in, as well as LIVING Paul Gleason!

Kang's elevator pitch:
An 'Expendables'-style superteam movie called Dicks, starring:

Think the MRAs are imaginary? Go over to Ain't it Cool News.

Yeah, her cred really turned a corner in the past decade.