
I knew it had to be coming, but I still could not help but punch the air when the scene cut to Bronn on the beach.

One of the reasons why 'Guardians of the Galaxy' was so successful, I think, is that it really knocked it out of the park with combining terrific CGI characters and environments with terrific practical designs for the ships, random aliens, and sets.

You're in for a treat with VEEP, since I think it doesn't really reach full blossom until Season 3, which is just wall-to-wall brilliance.

Stan Lee has been rich for a very long time, and is also about 146 years old. Giving a fuck either way would involve getting up from his chair. No fucks are forthcoming.

Sorry, Zack.

I think it's disingenuous to boil down the anti-Nolan people or the Man of Steel haters to simply being people who dislike 'seriousness' in their superhero movies. I agree that 'Dark Knight' is an excellent Batman movie, which I own and enjoy even though my admiration for Nolan has lessened the more I've seen of his

It's one thing to be a serious movie, it's another thing for a movie to PRETEND to be a serious movie while actually being lazy and juvenile. Dark Knight holds up as a fairly serious movie because of the performances and the strong thematic structure that helps one ignore the plot holes. DKR is a laughable mess

I didn't much like this when I saw it (never been that into Godard)— but it had exactly one idea that I loved and thought worked great in the satirical context of the movie: The moment when the enemy agents disarm Constantine by telling him a joke and attacking him when he laughs.

How about you work on your accent, Dinklage?

'Do you bleed? You're about to'

She is ridiculously hot. It's almost as if a lovestruck 31st-century conqueror gave her the secret of his chrono-suspension apparatus.

I agree with a lot of this, but the final scene reminds us why Stannis is ultimately a Bad King. His inflexibility and reliance on Melisandre led him to burn the leader of the Wildlings alive— repeat, burn alive the BELOVED LEADER WHO WAS THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF ORGANIZING THE VAST ARMY OF GIANTS AND BARBARIANS THAT

I noticed too, it definitely looked like she had her lips plumped. Distracting.

'where is Osha the Wildling? AKA the secret-hottest person on the show.'

I love 'Your Highness'.

Also finished it. Definitely suffers from sloppy writing towards the end of the show, and was unimpressed with the finale. But absolutely love Cox, D'Onofrio, and Glenn. But they REALLY need to do a little more research into how journalistic ethics work— it was no fault of Vondie Curtis-Hall, but Urich really


Is this some kind of payola review? I finally forced myself to watch the finale and the minute Adam reached out to Hannah (who has been nothing but needy and emotionally volatile since their breakup) and SHE REJECTED HIM COMPLETELY OUT OF CHARACTER, I said 'nope, no m'am, this show has lost all interest in honoring

Don't forget PAPER MOON!

This was an epically stupid article, beginning with the concept. 'How about I write a piece about how a stunningly-produced documentary will spoil audience expectations for fictional stories?' Goddamn nonsense, and my contempt is compounded by the fact that the writer has apparently never heard of Laura Palmer,