Kangaroosevelt Xibalbatross

It's kind of a rare treat, you don't see too many shows curdle as fast or as hard as that one did.

Finally, Collateral Beauty. I've seen enough ink spilled on this disaster and now I want a piece of the masochism.

They were embarrassingly earnest, and as such gathered a lot of attention from that age group and bracket, who (from my experience) usually were going through various types of domestic shit at that age. I was one of those. I've since moved on from their music in general but reading this hurts. They honestly tried to

Government shutdown! Couldn't pass the budget! Sad!

See? Exactly!

The opening scene of TDKR is the best thing he's ever done. If I'm in serious need of a laughter spike I'll play that scene on YouTube. Every character says the dumbest things and makes the dumbest choices available to them at each moment and it's great. I don't think the CIA guy is actual CIA, I think he's a lunatic


I would hope that he is able to experience some kind of redemption before the check comes. I want to believe the guy did have an ethos once upon a time before he opened Pandora's Box in 2008.

Well, I'm sure that there's an argument to be had that Carl Sagan's accent could make his take on 'billions' be interpreted as one long kooky syllable, but anyways

At least if Net Neutrality gets gutted there's a chance that most of these YouTube/Twitch shits will get kneecapped pretty hard.

Stop taking things for granite.

Stupid fuckin free market!

I have found myself returning to the well that is John Malkovich's caustic 'League of Morons' scene in this film far more than what would be considered healthy.

Good, get 'em up out front and decimate them. For every Trump there's a thousand dumb fuckos who think they can be Trump, and they will be annihilated for it. (Yeesh, was that a compliment to Trump?)

At least he's not using Brand X….

I'd watch the hell out of that

"Hello Jared. It's your Uncle Bingo. Time to pay the check!"

I looked into putting money on Trump to win as they were popping the champagne bottles. Bets were closed. They knew

I guess they feel pretty secure in their marketing strategy.

Wait, there's 69-ing in The Crown? Well I never