Can I get a 2-for-1 discount and pair Meredith Vieira with Lauer? Stop ruining every fucking Olympic ceremony with your utterly banal, offensive, ignorant 'commentary' jesus fuuuuckin christ.
Can I get a 2-for-1 discount and pair Meredith Vieira with Lauer? Stop ruining every fucking Olympic ceremony with your utterly banal, offensive, ignorant 'commentary' jesus fuuuuckin christ.
I think both Kornheiser and Paige were on some level aware of the fact that most of their entertainment value came from portraying themselves as goofy bubbas. How are they universally hated (especially in comparison to SAS and Bayless)?
Still waiting for them to release Meg White.
Dang, Grandma's gonna be more pissed than usual today.
So he's basically going for the KOTOR 2 "fuck Jedi, fuck Sith, fuck the force" angle?
It's not uncommon for winners in a lot of different industry award events to get notice of award even as much as a day in advance so they can either draft up a statement for immediate release or find a representative to accept the award in person when they are announced publicly.
The Space Trilogy is so deathly dull.
It wasn't even in production yet? Jesus, what's the point? (And didn't Sigourney's character get iced in the first one? Oh boo hoo, spoilers for a nearly decade-old highest grossing film of all time)
Hundred days into her rule and she still hasn't filled the vacant positions in her court? Sad!
Is How We Permanently Fucked Up The Natural Order Of Things a bit on the nose?
Well, Andrew Bogut's all in on pizzagate, but he's Australian, so…???
Read somewhere else that this is probably some bullshit marketing for Space Jam 2…
Mrs. X-tross will be greatly saddened to learn of her cinema crush's collapsing career.
Were Quality Control processes in general just banned from… existence?
Likely choice, though he'd have to spend an episode ruminating on whether or not to vote for a non-beer-drinking Mormon.
I'm embarking on a search for the demographic that keeps Ray Donovan afloat after all these years.
*crosses fingers, hopes for perma-permafrost, like, Ice Age permafrost, like, who-put-my-beer-in-the-freezer permafrost, to freeze DC forever*
If there's a chance that I can get a voucher I'd appreciate it. Not here to cause any trouble.
$5 says the logo will be a margarita, but in a martini glass.