Kangaroosevelt Xibalbatross

This was a weird film for me. Started out so well and yet by the time the end finally came into view I had more or less forgotten about the whole affair.

The parallels are vertigo-inducing, this is one of the hardest shows I've watched in some time. Sorrentino may or may not be a time-traveler.

(coulda let us have one game, you know…)

Rockies fan here. Y'all got to actually see through on your 'burgeoning dynasty' and got that 'ship. Meanwhile, we still cling to the false hope of 2007. No, I'm not bitter!

Return of the Jedi

Noooooo Wirrrreeee…. HANGARRRSSSS

No Blackstar? Broadcast Blackout then.

Lucasfilm's working on the patent. Attack of the Clones, indeed…

They use that to stress-test hi-def TV models these days. Only 33% survival rate, sad!

I was going to comment on the same idea. God Bless America is nothing but hurtful, pointless nihilism.

When I don't want to make the decision on Netflix night I usually threaten Mrs. Kanga X with my The Room blu-ray copy. Works every time.
(why in god's name did I buy it in blu-ray)

#freemegwhite until Meg White is freed. That is all

As I mentioned before in a different thread - not many can rise to the level of playing incredible, infinitely memorable assholes like Mr. Ferrer did, and cinema is better for it. RIP


Finally, the feature-length "Mad Max: California Love" I've been waiting for.

This is fucking excellent to hear.

I am proud to announce that I will be performing as Billy Hoyle in the remake. I submitted my 7th grade basketball resume (one year wonder, I know) which consisted of the following stats:
- 13 technical fouls
- average 2 min playing time per game
- "Benchwarmer Of The Year" award, unanimous
- two entire points (1 basket)

Neil before Zod.

haaaaaaaard U-turn. I'm talkin like… no-turn-lane, bad angle, long-wheelbase, and your coffee just went all over the passenger seat U-ie.

They couldn't compare with the greatness that is Wipeout.