Kangaroosevelt Xibalbatross

Q did say he'll see us in 25 years, right?

Gotta increase my dang ol' prescription after reading this article!

Janeway should be disqualified from the Captaincy! Such a nasty woman.

Signs was fine. It was just fine. It wouldn't get as much shit as it does in a world where he didn't follow it up with consecutive stinkers.

it's…vintage DAYHH-ted…. hic…

Ohh, thank god, Green Day has come to, save us

Yeah Tom… tell me that everything's going to be ok… Oh yeah, Tom, you know how to invalidate my existential fears… You hit the spot Tom…

Nah, thanks Internet but I found my window to get the fuck home early so, uh, DEUCES? (DOUCHES?)

Oh yeah, Chuck Tingle definitely went to The Edge - and he jumped right over it into the abyss

Not literal 'fun', but realizing that the doc was less about kooky film theories and more about calm insane people was pretty fascinating.

Early candidate for comment of the year IMO.

I'll never get tired of Paul Robertson's GIFS. Perfect blend of cats, tits and bad acid. (loved his work on Gravity Falls too)

There's a level of malice in these types of videos that I'm not really comfortable with.

Blown the fuck out, I have been.

If love of Chipotle equates to some fashion of hipster-dom then the entire state of Texas may as well be the new Haight-Ashbury.

His mom's name was Admiral Ackbar

I appreciated the effort they put into it so I can't call it outright 'bad', but when you have to wade through half a season for things to start making sense and/or being funny…

Valhalla Rising is the only Refn pic I really like. Really leaned hard into that primal caveman brutality for that one, and the mood stuck well enough to work.

She needs to get a cards tutor for the AVClub weekly poker games.

But I sharpened my knives and everything! You blue-balled what should have been a freebie bad review!