
Utterly agreed (being Canadian) but as a _Western_ Canadian, I do not get the love for TH's terrible, terrible coffee. The doughnuts are adequate (and there are few alternatives) but come ON, people. Even McDonald's makes better coffee than Tim Hortons does!

The thing that scares me the most about the first one is how fucking hard did he swing that champagne bottle? They're extra thick & tough to deal with the pressure - to be able to break the bottom of one off...? Yikes.

I suspect that if they can create DRAGONS that make me cry when they're locked up in a dungeon, they can figure out some CG to solve this. Indeed, I would expect that the crowd would be CG'd in anyway, since many/most nude scenes are shot on quite closed sets.

You could move, I guess? (at least rather than importing water from another state by plane)

Also, there's a difference between undergarments that touch a lot of .. um.. 'wet' body parts (including feet, btw) and ones that don't. What about flat-chested women who don't wear bras - their t-shirts ARE their undergarments and it may well be fine for them to wear the same shirt twice.

Are people allowed to just randomly change schools though? We're told which school we can attend based on residential address, and wasn't there that case of a woman imprisoned for 'stealing an education' for putting her son in a school other than her residential district's?

Disagree. I assumed it was the killer and now have a mental image of him as such. OTOH, I'm never gonna meet him, so I'll just be mistrustful of everyone who looks anything like him.

Ah, Gravol. Nature's perfect drug. Fixes nausea, hangovers, anxiety (it works as a mild tranquilizer), insomnia... and if I recall correctly, not available in the US (b/c Canada is awesome)

It's actually a really bad idea because they have a protective mucous coating that you can rub off by touching them, creating a risk of infection. It's also a totally fucking douchey thing to do - that shark isn't enjoying it. http://www.trackingsharks.com/florida-man-ri…

I ordered an Egg McMuffin at 11:00am yesterday and was told that they were out of 'round eggs'. It was... odd. (Apparently they had 'folded eggs' so I could have the sandwich with that.)

Is there a way for some of us to volunteer to help moderate comments? I don't know for sure that I'd be able to stand up to it but if I can help share the load, I would like to help.

No no no - THOSE candy hearts aren't acidic at all - they're JUST chalky. I think you're thinking of the vastly superior Love Hearts http://www.lovehearts.com. THOSE are fantastic and acidic/sour as well as sweet. The ones in the Futurama episode are these insipid monstrosities, I believe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Well replied.

Oh, and there's also an 'appletini in the MacBook trackpad & keyboard' story, but that's for another day.

Rather than deal with the influx of crowds during the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, my husband & I decided to get outta town. We went for a 3 week dive trip to Indonesia. The second stop on the trip was in Raja Ampat (West Papua, Indonesia). I had been shooting video (camera had an internal 64GB HD) for 4 days (approx

But why would you think to? If I order coffee, I want coffee.

Sure seems that way. It's probably because of all the crap coffee people out east have been conditioned to drink (*cough* Tim Hortons *cough)

Do you really mean 'veil'? (covering the face) or do you mean 'headscarf'/hijab? (covering the hair but leaving the face exposed? I'd guess that the fact that her hair is showing is the real shock, no?

I haven't seen anyone saying it's less dangerous than barefoot running, this post is not ABOUT barefoot running - you're the one bringing that comparison in. Just because people aren't mentioning barefoot running doesn't mean they think that's a good idea either.