
Seriously - this is just madness. Do not go barefoot on the roads. That's just dumb. Ferchrissakes, at LEAST wear sandals (I can live with that, personally).

I thought 'palliative' simply meant attempting to improve quality of life without necessarily trying to prolong life (i.e. relieve suffering as opposed to 'curing' or 'treating' the disease).

It's also an acceptable variant pronounciation (like bazil vs bayzil (basil))


Replying rather than digging through the comments - why did Julya assume the writer was a woman? Why did _I_ assume the writer was a woman? (answer: the crazy-meticulous printing/font). It could also be the shaming (which is often a woman->woman thing) but I ask y'all to inspect your assumption there. (as I did mine)

Pre-pregnant indeed. And yet you just go try to get a tubal ligation in your 20s. No one will do it. (hyperbole. ALMOST no one)

Really? Nobody so far? OK. It's been done.

I'd rather she had that talk with Jaden than Willow.

Damn, America is weird. 2 weeks is the legal minimum in my province and management is legally required to make sure people take it.

Except for the constant pot smoke, it is delightful.

But what about vacations? Also, if you live in Vancouver, why are you speaking in Fahrenheit?

Agreed. As Margaret Atwood so correctly said at the end of "Oryx & Crake"

Also, you're not adding a ton of plastic to the landfill/recycling burden (seriously, did we all just decide to give up on reduction of plastic? Did I miss the memo? When did disposable and single-serving-individually-packaged become widely acceptable again?

Yeah, how can a body part that 50% of the populace has, on its own, "violate an ordinary person's..." Oh. Wait. That's just normal here too.

Do people actually care about deaths in the houses they bought? I mean, ok, I can imagine being somewhat perturbed by knowing that someone had been murdered or such, but ... it's not like the house did it. (Shining, Amityville Horror houses excepted)

Easiest, best way to get rid of wallpaper is to mix liquid fabric softener with water in a spray bottle and spray it on the walls & let it soak for a few minutes. It's unbelievably effective. It IS flawless, and fast. When I was miserably using a blowdryer & scraper I finally thought to google for a better way and the

Who's preventing you from playing with your own junk?

Yes. Was there more to that?

Epson printer failed out of the box. Their phone support is a TOLL line, and they keep you on hold waiting to talk to them. The guy kept walking me through the script until I said "y'know what, here, let me plug it in & turn it on" <printer makes noise like a wood-chipper>

Not exclusively, if you mean Canada. That's an Ontario/QC thing. From Manitoba west, there are cartons & jugs, no bags.