
Not true. I've seen tons of sharks sleeping on the bottom. Nurse sharks and leopard sharks in particular are immobile a lot of the time. Also dogfish and ratfish. There may be some species for which that's true, but it's certainly not A Fact.

This may be already down in the comments somewhere but since the commenting system is completely unusable for readers, how would I know?

Wente's a troll. Just dismiss her & move on.

My interpretation of the statement is that going forward that's what will be the position. But I can understand taking that hard line now w/o delaying that position to make sure it applies retroactively (I.e. declare going forward rules rather than 'investigating the files' and delaying what's next)

Why the fuck didn't you approach the men you were attracted to?

Honestly, I think the barometer is "how do you feel about providing free contraception?"

Up front caveat - I'm fully pro-choice and am mostly on your side of this argument. However...

Oh please, you know that the new requirement is brazilians for all.

I know a number of women (in computing science) from Iran who were in single-sex schools until they hit college. Curriculum and style of teaching is the same between the sexes, they just don't intermix. The ones I've spoken with say they were really good at it and confident all the way through school but when they got

One of the things they point out about Tyrion is his unusually large head, and that may be a characteristic of dwarves in general. And since people have been delivering Cersei a LOT of dwarves heads lately...

Not according to the woods witches.

Agreed. I thought that too.

But Jamie only has one hand now. "the valonqar shall wrap his *hands* about your pale white throat and choke the life from you"

I assumed it was Aegon, the 'little brother' of the pair of Rhaegal's children who was assumed murdered but in fact was not.

Not _really_?

Bullshit. What engineering firm did you work for? What did you do? Prove it.

I don't think you read it correctly if you think you agree with it.

It's "Demby", not "Denby" #corrections

The fact that both of them misspell masturbation suggests it's the same troll.

Also, to be very clear, I'm Canadian, a loud socialist, VERY much against guns and the end of my question is meant to be from _their_ perspective, not mine.