
I'm surprised at this:

Often, on planes, with white wine, yes.

Do you work for the same company as I do?

Actual LOL there.

They're not different pronunciations for me.

I think a more appropriate gender-opposite match term for 'guy' is 'gal', not 'girl'. 'girl' pairs with 'boy' and is a diminutive term. There are no 'girls' working in my office.

I don't think I understand this sentence: "He was molested at 13 by a teacher who was not a pedophile, but a woman."

Closure is a non-starter for a rewatch, especially in more plot/story-based dramas. I've tried to rewatch "Breaking Bad" and "Battlestar Galactica" but both of those carried their arcs to completion and you can't build the stakes the same way again.

I'm against the clones b/c that feels a bit overdone. But Moonbase? OMG yes!

"Selling Time" sounds like a George Saunders story I read. Going to check IMDB now to see if it's actually based on it.

Agreed that Rayon wouldn't be in drag, but Leto would be, no?

he's basically Andrew Lincoln, so, yeah

I believe the increase is US only. I got an email about the increase on my US account but not my Canadian one. (I have Prime in both countries). Prime pricing varies from country to country - Not all EU countries are charged the same.


Exactly - maybe a #corrections tag will help them read this & fix it?

Doesn't Glass pair with your phone for network access? OK, she was recording them on her phone.

I think you mean 'deliver', not 'conceive'. The back seat of cars are rarely decontaminated.

Agreed - never encountered it, can't read the above.

Those goddamn big government cronies interfering with... I mean, activist judges... I mean.. uh.. wait, what? corporations? But we LOVE them.... No! It's inappropriate interference! Shut up. The only invisible hand I'm interested in is the one that's gonna smack you across the face!

Gattaca helps with that.