
I have cotton gloves used for kneading bread dough.

Instead of a "disaster recovery plan", we use the term The Simpsons did: "Marge, prepare the emergency ham!"

Nope. "prusten", not purr. Similar, but without the flexible hyoid bone in the larynx I believe.

Go read more.

And was she?

I haven't missed the point of it - you seem to have decided that the subject of the article was the person rather than the product. That's not what the inventor wanted and that's not what the author agreed to when initially contacting the inventor.

If the science credentials are fraudulent, then it doesn't reflect well on the science itself.

If the reporter had concerns about the science based on what he learned, he should have sought independent expert confirmation. If she DID have a degree from MIT, that doesn't make the science valid - think of all the harm done by the guy who HAD a medical degree who faked the link between vaccines & autism. It's the

To report on the science, Hannan would have to do more than simply test the golf club. He had to corroborate whether the inventor went to MIT or really worked on top secret projects for the Department of Defense and stealth bombs as she and her inventors had claimed, experiences that were essential to the science

I just stopped by to deliver your kudos for using the right levels for DEFCON.

Ditto! Also, being Canadian affects it - horizontal distances are metric for me but vertical ones are imperial :)

Everything you said x 100. Why expose your own money if you don't have to? Why give up the points of using a credit card? What, in other words, is wrong with you? ;)

The bank required that my dad sign the mortgage along with my mom to buy our house. They were divorced and she was the one buying it. In 1982.

Bacon sandwich. Or poutine. Salt & oil.

The fuck you say?

Alton Brown also withdrew his remarks in a later show.

Lexapro FTW!

Is it, though? It's increasingly privatized as part of public/private partnerships (3P). What is it in SF?