Kane The Virgin

I am that person! Alas, I am neither enterprising nor young. But I have bought and fervently digested every Pollard offering since 1993. Every solo album. Every side project. Every everything.

That's a shame. Let's Go Eat was admittedly not a great album, but I'd put Bears For Lunch right up there with GBV's mid-90s greatness. Strong album from start to finish. By far their best post-Universal Truths recording. Highly recommend checking it out.

Apparently his son is 400 lbs though? Sad!

Yeah, that group was my first, powerful taste of the internet's ability to bring like-minded individuals together from far and wide. I'm envious that you've been able to keep in contact with that crew, and even more jealous that y'all got to see that St. Paul show! I wasn't able to make any of the reunion shows, but I

Yay! *sings* Reunited and it feeeeels so gooooood. *unsings*

Hola! Slightly odd question here, but: back in the early days of the Internet, did you happen to be an active part of a Replacements discussion group on… I think it was Prodigy? Back in like 1992? Because I was (Pete Finnerty here) and your username and story are setting off all sortsa bells 'n' whistles in some of my

Matt and Mel are making a (Le)Blanc cinematic universe.

Grodd help me, but I find myself really enjoying this show despite its many flaws. And because of the aforementioned shadedness of the characters, I find myself occasionally cheering for people who are fairly dubious themselves. Case in point: when Claire was reading the Nina the riot act in the erstwhile

"Hoofprints… horses!"

I thought maybe he caught on so quickly because Abby's breath reeked of chips when they kissed.

I liked how Tyrion and Varys casually meandered around Meereen and chatted about how everyone felt in danger of being casually murdered without seeming very concerned about whether they too would be casually murdered. It all seemed a bit… casual.

I have to say: next time I drop something and can't find it, I sure do hope Jorah Mormont is around to assist me in the search. His ability to find a single, solitary white ring in the tall grass surrounded by similarly colored white flowers made him the frontrunner for the Future Finder of My Things position.

I'm no expert, but boy it seems as if the actress who plays Melisandre sure hasn't aged well since last season.

That Brienne sure knows how to give one helluva job interview!

Memo to Earth-2 S.T.A.R. Labs security guards: instead of pointing your guns at Zoom and saying, "Don't move!", just shoot the bastard. Because surely you must know that if he moves, it'll be fast enough that you a) can't react in time and b) will be rendered incapacitated or un-alive. Which makes your "Don't move!"

Whether it be Annapolis or Baltimore as some have suggested, I'm wondering if such a structure as Lexa's Non-Leaning Government Tower of Not-Pisa actually exists in that area today? I'm guessing not, but if not: was that building something that was supposedly built in our near future but pre-Earth Wipe-Out? I mean, it

In the above-linked article, the president of the Manitowoc Area Visitor and Convention Bureau complains of the "injustice" of having to having to "live through it all again" thanks to MAM.

Since someone has already said 24 Hour Party People (I mean, seriously: Joy Division, Sex Pistols, Buzzcocks, Billy Corgan, Moby *and* New Order?! Yes please!), I'll skew somewhat older with Over the Edge, the 1979 Matt Dillon teen rebellion classic with an equally classic (rock) soundtrack by Hendrix, Cheap Trick,

Ctrl + F has yet to reveal any GBV mentions here, so I guess I'll provide one here. As is also the case with U2, I usually prefer the meatier live versions of Guided by Voices' songs even though I greatly appreciate the production nuances (or lack thereof) of their studio alter egos.

Edge's guitar has, to my ears, never sounded better than it does in the soaring Red Rocks solo to "11 O'Clock Tick Tock", after Bono's repeated entreaties to "call out your name."