Kane The Virgin

I really wanted Barry to shout something to Wells like, "Oh YEAH? And how do YOU know so much about time travel, Mr. Smarty Chair?!" But he eventually made his way to a Wells-indicting conclusion at the end anyway.

Followed by the Melt Gun. Or has that already been invented for Heat Wave?

Yeah, I love a lot of things about this show, but the amount of fun the actors seem to having with their parts is perhaps foremost among them. From Jesse L. Martin's great, goofball delivery of, "And I don't suppose you're going to fill me in either?" at S.T.A.R. Labs, to Grant Gustin's kid-on-Christmas-morning glee

May the Rogue rise with him.

I'm just glad he didn't smack around his buddy Kevin the Tennis Ball during their double date. Then he would've really crossed the line into super-skunk territory.

Such an aptly named character. She's prickly, that Barb.

Me too! Same bat decade, same bat station. I sometimes had trouble deciding whether the Screamer of the Week version of the songs were better or worse than those without the shrieks. Depended on the song, I guess, but mostly I remember preferring the Screamer versions.

Yes for the former, and I'm not sure for the latter. Either way…

Seriously. She found herself at the center of a self-induced *pylon attack, just barely ducking out of the way of one of them. I'd love to see the blooper reel for that scene. Or, perhaps, the scene we saw last night was it.

Really enjoyed this installment, for the most part. In the argument where Norma(n) argue in the kitchen, though, I felt like Freddie Highmore was having trouble reeling in his English accent, which took me out of the scene. Perhaps this was still early enough in the shoot that MURICA hadn't fully reasserted itself

I've had enough of your arch humor.

Ah yes, love them oozin' aahs. I couldn't have written a better recommendation myself. The Generator-Anesthesia-Suffer one-two-three in the middle of All Ages continues to be among the best adrenaline rushes music has ever provided me. Although any three-song combo off that album is bound to have a similar effect.

Whenever I feel especially down and am wondering why I bother to continue this slog through life, my mind always pipes in this friendly Greg Graffin reminder: "The anechoic nebula rotating in my brain is persuading me contritely to persist." Then it punctuates that with a lively "wha-CHOU!" and I'm off and on my way

I've typed it before and I'll type it again: Red is my least favorite color of foo. (Seriously. I can't stand that guy.)

I must regretfully say: the more the population of The Last Two Women and a Man On Earth has increased, the less interested in it I've become.

It Follows, eh? Sounds like that shape-shifting specter is a real minor threat.

I think everyone could/should agree that Marcie from Peanuts is by far the best choice to play Billie Jean King, no?

She gives me strength to carry on.

I'm glad he didn't kill Kane! (Although that would've been a real surprise.)

Great finale. Great season. Great show. So sad I don't get to look forward to it next week!