
Have you ever left your phone next to a speaker? I bet the pops and static get picked up by the radio communications, and while not dangerous to the plane are probably annoying as fk. And as for MP3 players, well unless you want every flight to be delayed for an hour while a poor stewardess has to argue with every

"Why are you focusing on catholics? Why are you focusing on catholics?" BECAUSE HE WAS A CATHOLIC PRIEST. It's a fact of the story. If you don't think that deserves focus because you are catholic and it brings negative attention to you, let me point something out:

You learn something new every day. Today, I learned that it WAS possible for me to hate the Prius more than I already did.

Oddly enough, it makes a big difference to me that several people testify to Bryan not taking himself seriously. from his outward description, he really does sound like he would be the "I'm livin' life so what are you gonna do about it pussy" kind of guy (like the guy who wrote the first email.)

"double-barreled middle finger"- very strange mixed metaphor.

I don't care if you call it Happy Spell Time, just put a damn demo out already.

Some female friends of mine admit openly that they don't date nice guys unless they're looking to fall in love. The ones that don't admit it I assume are acting on that subconsciously. It makes sense. ...well not "sense." but chick-sense.

Wow. There is a stockphoto for literally anything isn't there?

Really? I feel like "I feel like" is a very positive trend... it's being used as a way to mark a statement as an opinion and distance the sentence from being a declaration of fact. It's a welcome change from the internet attitude, where personal opinion is laid down as inarguable fact.

You know what one of the biggest insecurities is? Using the same username and password on multiple sites and email addresses. If one of them gets hacked all your dirty laundry is out on the line.

I have strong passwords for important sites and weak passwords for unimportant sites, and not to be a jerk but the only time one of my weak passwords was hacked was when Gawker let it out. No hard feelings. Just sayin'.

"phreaking"? Really? Are they trying to catch me using my "blue box"?

These guys are hilarious. What's the AAJA's twitter account?

I'm glad they scrapped the idea for the dog flavored one.

I tried it once, but it gave me the trots. Hayyyooooo

I like how so many people are all, "C'mon now, let's be serious. Harumph harumph harumph." The whole point is that these candidates are absurd candidates. They don't deserve to be taken seriously. Who cares what their stances are on "the issues"... they don't commit to a viewpoint, and if they do there's little

Please. PLEASE. Mental little person. ...actually that's still pretty offensive. Oh, whatever, just say retard.

There used to be a meadery out here on Long Island, shockingly named the "Long Island Meadery." They went under. Having tasted their mead, I was not surprised nor did I mourn.

haha... true enough. I meant Raziel, not Gargamel's cat.