
she was poking herself in the tonsils with a pen. Then she SLIPPED and DROPPED the pen down her throat? "Oh, that reminds me, this one time I did accidentally ram a pen down my throat. But I had another one so I didn't think it was a big deal." What the... I'm flabbergasted by this story. How do you DROP

REZ! You've come back to me!

I just don't get it. Yes I imagine it's difficult to look like that and not get laid. But what's the point? Why torture yourself like that?

vorsrpung durch bullsheise

Oohhhh sure, blame it on the vagina. That thing is like a pocket full of excuses for you ladies isn't it?

Devil's advocate- do they have a column called Women's Complaints About Men? I bet those would be similarly awful and hilarious.

I thought the JRPG qualification was more based on the characters? JRPGs have actual characters and you're sort of watching a story being told... where WRPGs are kind of D&D based in the sense that you're creating a character from a blank slate and you're supposed to play the role (or "role-play" you might call it.)

I've always felt that way about German vs Japanese. They always just feel light and toy-like to me.

"I'd have been just fine sleeping at a campsite next to a landfill full of reclaimed duck fat."

OK, no offense, but he asked you if you play shooters, you stared at him without answering like a mental patient and so he started talking to you like a mental patient... guess who's fault that was. Giving him the ultimate benefit of the doubt, he would have said that to a comatose dude as well if he found said dude

They should give lessons to InfinityWard.

"Who's on next?"

As a new yorker I notice virtually nothing wrong with her speech

I would love to see a sample picture since that statement makes zero sense whatsoever.

Utterly tasteless. My sister was raped by a tentacle monster from space and I am truly insulted. The shame and fear she still deals with are no laughing matter. She blames herself for it.

You nailed it.

My favorite part was when the guy I hated had pain inflicted on him.

So 30% is too much for them to take, based on the fact that you clicked a lot in something they created, and you deserve the rewards?

GATORADE. Seriously. Try it. Glass of Gatorade, glass of water, back to bed, nap, then get up and eat a greasy-ass burger. No more hangover.

Why is "3 days in a row" an excuse to stink? Nobody's sleeping in tents and the last I checked hotel rooms come equipped with showers. This ain't Bonnaroo.