You dummies made me second guess myself, so I looked on Wikipedia and confirmed he was most certainly in G&R. I recommend you follow suit and wear a KFC bucket on your own heads.
You dummies made me second guess myself, so I looked on Wikipedia and confirmed he was most certainly in G&R. I recommend you follow suit and wear a KFC bucket on your own heads.
The worst part is, even if he wasn't right about people wanting tablets, he was right about not wasting development on them- which is exactly what they did with the Playbook.
They will really put anyone in charge over there. I wish I knew what those guys know- for me, it's never that easy to get a RIM job.
1 complaint....... he looks too much like Azrael from Soul Reaver. Or Buckethead from G&R.
This will come in handy for when a cruel captor scotch-tapes my eyelids open and forces me to read every single article on your site.
Nope. He deserves everything he gets. He wasn't just "a dick." He's permadick. The more torture he can have laid on him the more likely he is to repent from his life of dickish ways.
Paul Christoforo doesn't need you man! He knows the Mayor of Boston! He's a real estate mogul! How many high end luxury condos have YOU sold, huh kid??
I said "near zero." Reading comprehension failure on your part. Although your math is sound.
Let's take this all the way to the final sentence and assume he's actually sorry for his original comments, when he thought nobody was looking. Calling up all that BS about his kid or whatever... it's too late for that. You made some bad decisions and now you have to live with them. I'm not entirely sure what…
It's time for another addition of "Manic Bipolar or Cocaine Addict?" Brought to you by Charlie Sheen. How's it going Charlie? "Winning!" Great. Let's get started.
Kind of a ridiculous argument... You say that women don't want to be geeks because guys disregard their opinion... But geek guys treat EVERYONE like that. It doesn't stop more geeks from appearing.
Great... now we can have numb, unfulfilling sex for uncomfortably long amounts of time. Break out the Nobel prize.
Congrats... you've replicated one of the worst games in history
Oddly enough with all this girl-power, her name, Ashley Riot, was the male lead in that old Square game on PS1. Vagrant Story?
Disagree... what's an Atlantic Northeast accent? New York? Upstate New York? New England? Boston? Baltimore? Jersey? PA? They're all pretty distinct despite how close they are geographically.
If your article was a DSi-ware game it would be called Tries Too Hard! Heroes
One of my most hated myths is humped by the Food Network at every possible occasion: you're more likely to cut yourself with a dull knife than a sharp one, because you're putting more effort into it so if you slip it will do more damage. But the whole point of sharpening a knife is that it does more damage with less…
Everything PixelJunk does is gold. Looks like it might be a bit of a comedown though because Shooter and Shooter 2 were pretty epic and kind of deep mechanics-wise. But I have faith.
I meant the bar... not XP in general :|