
Originally, I wanted to say, get over it, CoD never promised any kind of virtual reality immersion... it's scripted because it's scripted. The fact that he could even do as much as he did is amazing. Older games would block you into that first platform and not allow any of these 4th wall shinanigans.

@alan505: Audi is definitely giving themselves catalog bloat these days. Instead of expanding into actual markets they are making ones up. Isn't there already that stupid A7 coming out, which is a 4-door A5, which is an A4?

Oh, it's so hard being a hot white girl from New Hampshire. Our civil liberties are like, in danger, ya know?

I love the retro 70's look of brown barley burners like Porsches and Bimmers, but I think the beauty was ruined by fact that it would now make you look like an executive at UPS.

@KeyserSöze: Best 928 fact ever: the timing belt is 7ft long.

I always preferred the term "barley-burner."

@pjstevens77: Holy crap... I wish I'd looked at your pictures first. What a frankenstein. Can I change my vote?

My Pontiac Sunfire has the reverse to the right. Although I'm not sure why'd you want to scar yourself with any reminder of one of those.

@danio3834: Are you just going to post that every time someone mentions it?

I'm getting the angle that you guys wanted me to be enraged by this but I'm actually more irritated with the UAW side of the story. "Why can't they make a Corolla" may sound ignorant or oversimplified but it correctly nails the exact need for the bailout.

I see another round of good ol' Detroit nostalgia-humpin' on the horizon.

@John Crane: because you can't get a bagel anywhere else.

The most appalling part of that picture is certainly the wood panelling. It makes it look like Japan is executing people in my aunt's basement.

Pro: Phones made out of liquidmetal won't break or deform when dropped.

When I saw the picture of multiple similar models in a variety of colors, I realized this guy might not be playing with a full deck.

A few people have commented that they would like an FM receiver, and that's well and good. But the bottom line here is not if you would like it or not. It is that the company has the choice to decide if they think it is a profitable feature. Cheap or no, it costs them money they need to recoup through additional

@Real Tomsk of Genius: are you on drugs? An engine that can be modded to 400hp and more on stock internals and still clock 100k miles and you think of that as a candidate for the worst engine ever? I would love to hear a horror story that offset that.

@TR3-A: Ironically, putting dissimilar metals next to each other makes a battery. So in a way the Chevette was the first hybrid ever made.

@djscruffy: Naughty, naughty jungle of love!

Good article but not sure I agree with several choices... First off, even as a Porsche loyalist, I can't say the original design holds up. Sure, the redesigns maintain the symbolic shape, but the fine details have been modernized severely.