
If there are only two dancers, and they are performing different moves, how is it possible to know which one is correct? I found Gaw’s explanation reasonably convincing. Did he make the wrong choice at the Superbowl? Hmmm. Is anyone looking for an interview with Right Shark?

Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

but... but.. God spoke to him... SMFH.

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Tonight we just saw an orange tub of lard play the Hitler card.

The day after Trump’s election, I told my students that if anyone was feeling vulnerable or overwhelmed, they could come talk to me and I would be happy to connect them with resources on campus or in the community. Someone complained to the administration about my “anti-Trump speech.” So, you know, which group is

Thanks for a clear explanation of the concept of “safe space”. No college campus is a “safe space”. Having a single room where like minded people can gather without concern for asshats coming in and harshing the mellow is not some crazy encroachment on free speech rights.

Again - and listen this time - a stage at Harvard is not “the public square”. There is no debate. Listeners are not free to leap onstage (indeed, they could be arrested) to debate any ideas. A stage is a place where only a privelleged few are invited. Not even close to your analogy.

I work for a non-profit organization that helps homeless people get housed. All of our buildings are designed with trauma informed care in mind to create *GASP* safe spaces for people so they don’t get retraumatized. This isn’t some abstract, academic concept: it’s used in a very specific, practical way. A safe place

People don’t like the idea of a safe place on college campuses because it’s couched in an academic setting, which is seen as less-than and not the so-called “real world.” I’m sure if you tell them a VFW hall is a safe space you would be shouted out of the room.

Also, OP doesn’t even realize what the original safe spaces were. Here’s an brief summary, courtesy (of all places) of Cracked:

They’re literally mad that their safe space to say whatever racist or sexist thing that pops into their head unchallenged has been partially taken away. And then they get super offended about the “snowflakes” who have the gall to speak up when something offends them. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad.

Our group, in particular, focuses on people who identify as femme — so cis-gendered women, trans women, and anyone who identifies as femme.

I’d be prone to buy into that argument if it weren’t always the hysterical, vacuous right kvetching about what is basically a set of rules for neutral dialogue as though it were some kind of marxist plot.

Wait, Zeetal! You’re saying I can’t run into the middle of a Sunday sermon and start screaming the alphabet at the top of my lungs and have everyone listen to my “point of view” quietly and respectfully? They’ll ask me to leave before I get to my rant about how LMNOP should be arranged LOPNM?

The bottom line is — you don’t understand what a ‘safe space’ is or designed for, so you think it means something it doesn’t, and just reasserting that meaning (the absurd one) doesn’t make your meaning ‘correct.’

I’ll sum up in very simple terms what you are both saying, but I’m going to mash it all together into one little paragraph:

The joke is the number of people who hate on ‘safe spaces’ because it’s the cool edgy thing to do but don’t know what they are.

You’re right though people can really, Kylo kills Supreme leader Snoke, control what information they take in.

Well when I came out and started transitioning back in college a decade (oh god) ago, “safe space” had a very specific meaning. Like, my school’s LGBT Center was a safe space, and all it meant was that there was a place other than my dorm room where I could go without having to worry about getting stared at or called

Inviting a high-profile misogynist to take the stage on campus is not an “exchange”. A lecture is the exact opposite of an exchange. It is just that - a lecture. One person talks, everyone else listens. When Milo Yannopolis was invited to speak, the students rightfully protested that he harassed and intimidated Leslie