
Except that trans folks get hormone therapy, and most sports that have a coherent policy regarding trans people have reasonable limits on how trans folks can compete. That advantage mostly vanishes (depending on the sport) if the child in question has been on puberty blockers, or has been on hormones for an extended

I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.

If this was about professional sports that might be a valid line of discussion. This is not about professional sports.  This is about students, at school.

Then she can turn down sponsors and Cosmo covers. But she can’t have it both ways. If companies are giving you money and goods in the expectation that you’ll tell your followers to buy them, you’re an influencer.

I prefer to entertain and be a friend. I don’t want to influence.

Woman Who Lives And Dies By Branding Says Current Branding Might Kill Her

I’m just an entertaining friend who is trying to sell you Lattisse™ the answer for Longer Thicker Eyelashes.

I visited some friends in Portland a few years ago. At the time, I was living in a city that didn’t have a white majority. When they asked me my impressions of the city, the first thing that popped out was “Geez, it’s really white.” they sputtered something about how “I guess we just don’t see color” and I was like

Astral Projection Luke is the coolest shit I’ve seen in a Star Wars movie and no one can take that away from me.

You aren’t wrong that the line is pointless in a vacuum. Also, tastes vary. However, I’d bet big money that you’re in the minority of folks who disliked it.

Normally, I’d find it gross that an artist associated with an ongoing project would publicly critique the contributions of others to that project, but given that ALL those motherfuckers recently threw Johnson under the bus over Last Jedi, I think he’s showing remarkable restraint.

I liked TFA, and disliked TLJ after the first viewing, but after rewatching both of them, TLJ has risen in my appreciation while TFA has diminished. I feel like TLJ will hold up a lot better to repeat viewings, perhaps not as much as the OT but a lot more than the prequels.

I read this, from a post above:

If it’s just easy and pleasant and nothing else, that’s not art. That’s decoration.

Umm... What? Are you really arguing that good art shouldn’t challenge the audience or make them uncomfortable at times?

Star Wars ended with “Return of the Jedi” back in the 80s.

It’s not the viewer who should be scared/uncomfortable, it’s the artist.

I thinkyou” is the artist who is just playing it safe.

No, it’s not nonsense. I’m not saying TFA isn’t entertaining. I’m saying it didn’t aim high. Like someone else said, TFA is a rehash. It’s not not art.  It’s just lazier.

It is. But it doesn’t mean that the person who did something else - something a tiny bit uncomfortable (I mean, let’s be real - it’s not like The Last Jedi is von Trier’s Antichrist) - is horrible, or even bad at their job. It just means they didn’t deliver the comforting experience you were looking for.