
The Star Wars movies are now officially for old people

Hooray for prequels! I wanna see every irrelevant detail of the characters I’m already completely familiar with! Just having them mention shit that happened to them in the past ain’t goddamn good enough!

One of the massive strengths of the recent Planet of the Apes movies is that they mostly leave the “this is how we got to the Planet of the Apes” stuff to one side to focus on characters and ideological conflicts. The explanations are there if you want them but they’re more interested in Caesar’s journey. I really

The directors are complaining because it is the default setting on most TVs, and it can be difficult to find the setting to turn it off IF you are even aware of it. It should be something people can turn on if they want to (I don’t know why they would), but it shouldn’t be the default setting when it is not the

Directors know how a film will look at 24 fps. A certain amount of motion blur is expected and needed for scenes. Especially CGI heavy stuff where the blur helps mask the artificial nature of CGI.

...or a foley artist, or a best boy....

“but is it even worth the trouble to make a movie that won’t eventually result in an Avengers-style team-up movie?”

They turned down Del Toro and he made the movie without them and everyone loved it.

The problem with Dark Universe is no one wants to see a bunch of old as hell movie properties badly updated for the modern age and shoved into an Avengers style team because all the other studios want franchises that guarantee them billion plus box offices but they don’t want to do the legwork to make that happen.

I wonder if Universal fired the guy who turned down Guillermo Del Toro’s bid to remake “The Creature From the Black Lagoon” for the Dark Universe yet.

Oh wow! Yeah, that is pretty amazing. I’ve been pretty consistently using the same username for everything (it’s my brand for my fledgling art stuff). It is very nice to run into you again. How have you been?

My editor just assumed that I meant to have the film in 2.35:1, because, he figured, what director wouldn’t prefer that? When I told him to get rid of the letterbox, he rolled his eyes, like, “Really? Okay, whatever... it’s your movie...” He was not an editor I’d work with again.

Ha. Let me introduce you to the wild world of “what the hell is going on?” when you try to figure out if you’re really getting the best picture, the original cut or even actual HD when it comes to kaiju films, especially Godzilla. You’d think going to the source and getting the Blu-rays from the parent company, Toho,

Editors these days tend to have the most naive gumption in overstepping their role and misunderstanding others’. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just how many editors grew up without needing a team (i.e. Youtube self-producers). I’ve had an editor, after telling audio (me and my crew) that we were at picture lock, and

Physical media will be gone before we know it and we’ll be left with streaming as the only way to view this content. If they can’t be trusted to handle the film/TV properly, then everyone loses.

Cinemas still exist. People still go to cinemas. The box office a movie makes on its first weekend in cinema is still a huge deal.

Because the director and cinematographer decide a film works better in a different aspect based on the shots they want to make and the story they want to tell. 2.35:1 is basically shorthand for epic, even today.

If they really want to make a statement. The men should NOT offer a pay cut. They should demand that equal billing equals equal pay. That will level out the paydays faster than pay cuts. Because the studios will suddenly offer the leading men a whole lot less.

In many cases they are much worse, because they do not have the excuse of Trump’s stupidity to explain their behaviour.

I’ve never understood how people can think immigrants take jobs without Americans willing to give them away for the sake of a few dollars more. If the consequences of hiring undocumented workers was prison and bankruptcy for the owner there would be a lot of changes.