Kaneda Jones

but then they’ll only build one and put in on the tip of a rocket headed to mars

Is that a typo? That breaks down to 7 bills per state, for almost every state, in 6 weeks.

its not the easiest to control but it looks ok for the time

my local transit system, although currently buses, is named the Hamilton Street Railway since way back when.  oh how I would love for a HSR bus with wings that pop out etc..    XD 

it was while watching a playthrough of quartet after reading this article that I noticed how much the game is like Fantasy Zone had a baby with Teddy Boy Blues.  and that was even before seeing the walls that needed shooting in later levels

Now playing

reminds me of the shop soundtrack crossover of Fantasy Zone and the better sounding Hot Rod shop.

maaaaaaaan played the original on the Sega Genesis and the original sequel Fade 2 Black on the PC.  good times!

“Did he literally just use the words “Hong Kong” and “Taiwan”? Or did he say something disparaging to China and/or Chinese people?”

even if you ignore ‘if you want chinese money you gotta kiss their butt’ statement what you said in and of itself will piss off China on a grande scale.

remember this is the Government

It’s heartening to see that China also has basic bitches who go around spouting “keep yur politics outta muh X” and who think their little slice of the pie exists in a vacuum”

well, more like mandatory company line if you don’t want to be busted up by the government with possibility of imprisonment.


I hate the other side though where the thin skinned stay in the job and get more brutal because they are not being pampered, just treated like the toddlers they are.

Why are such evil, ignorant, and arrogant people so rich? Explain. (Seriously, this is Darwin award level ignorance....how have these two survived?)“

well the callous bastardos are willing to stab others in the back, or front, so thats how the large piles of money get made, but I agree that stupidity should get them

I have one HDMI out and a set of headphones plugged into the sound card. I switch my HDMI from my monitor which has no sound, to my TV which has sound over HDMI and back again every once in a while. at the beginning it was having problems accepting sound over the sound card after the TV was used so I dunno maybe its

ranks right up there with pre-ordering software that doesn’t exist yet

a thousand times this.  and then some of us dive into Linux to gain some control back and find it too much.  options in win10 that can be ignored by the simple users would be nice.

but now its a new style of thing to drive you insane that doesn’t take any effort on your part. giant company who rents you your operating system and/or game, will patch it, screwing up things you can do nothing to fix, until they decide to fix it themselves in a week or two. you are at the whims of the vampires who

Lost an acquaintance on the Book of Face (good riddance) when I called out his use of a picture my white friends and family have been posting to look like sweet innocent centerists. it says “I dont support BLM and I dont support the KKK cause I dont support hate groups”.

EVERY. DAMN. TIME. someone, often not the

40 years ago is just 1981

up here in Canada we’d occasionally have something weird like that but even as a preteen in the 80s I knew it was creepy weird and it was creepy weird when other people didnt find it creepy weird.

attempted to read the Butt Technica version of that article since I prefer to avoid Wired but like their deal with BT, but the link is no longer working as is.

I used Google cache to read page 1 and 2 of the 3 page article but for some reason Google never cached page 3. hm, maybe I’ll have to go to Wired after all.


meanwhile the seconds it leaves you distracted, with other carts speeding at you from behind, should be taken into account. but whatevehs you do you.

you do realize people say stuff like “if he does that again I’ll fucking kill him” then fail to kill the individual. phrases like “the dumbest shit ever” been around for a while. you are coming off looking a little up tight.