Kaneda Jones

I always like ideas like this except a) we need an underground railroad to rescue newly formed anti-Xtians out of their nation state and b) those bastardos are going to be quite the cranky neighbours.

wait till you see the muslim “helpers” Dutch Santa hangs out with.  usually white guys in black face.  (svart pete, or some such name)

contrary to their beliefs there are fewer of them now than ever and its fine for them to find their own little onclaves and try and only exist on each other’s money. they will soon find out that there just isn’t enough money to be had.

now if we can scrape them off the rest of society that would be nice.

just cause he was charged doesn’t automatically means he broke any law - get back to us after the charges are thrown out. you seem really sensitive on the issue, try not adding your hang ups to a logical discussion.

FFS I’m totally for the opinion “see someone shoplifting? you saw nothing” but we are talking about people driving badly which is health risk to the general public.  come on

Whom is a bootlicker. A person that blindly follows one law (because they agreed with it) or a person that looks at both sides and thinks. You know both of these guys are assholes. But one of them thinks he’s above the law. One of them flat admitted to it.”

you.  the one who agrees with a cop misapplying a law with

no law was broken, unless you want to argue a piece of tape being removed somehow broke something. when the judge throws this out you’ll be just as much an idiot as you already look

I missed the part where he stole the license.  dude, he stole a little piece of tape

technically the license was rendered UNBROKEN

the concern over the cyclist getting hurt by someone he pissed off seems to only show up after complaints that he should have left well enough alone. hm. kinda like a idiot’s attempt at useless intimidation

I’m heavily pro union but with game making being so international I hope they don’t loose work to companies set up in countries with worse worker protections.

you just agreed with someone who thinks you are a talentless hack for using it.

claiming to know whats in the minds of those who hate it (while using literally XD ), and then moving on to gate keeping who gets to monetize a technology’s output?

‘Kotaku complaining is tiring but people using AI are nothings’ uhm ya OK

on a sidenote: transformer and G.I.Joe collectors aren’t happy with Hasbro lately either (though I never commit their rants to memory so I forget why)

uhm ya but using housing for profiteering created something called the housing bubble.

or the first console game crash by printing more games than consoles (pac-man, E.T.)

but companies depend on common users hoping to become future rich speculators to drive up sales. without a stock market-esque drive, the company will definitely see a problem eventually.

as long as you can tell them apart, the new prints do not effect the price when it comes to its “rarity” BUT if any amount of the price is also because people want to USE the card but have no other way of getting it, then the price WILL be effected.  I can see people having more faith in one side of that or the

also letting them rot really lowers the price IF they decide to sell at a later date.

once you look at the size of the U.S. budget and the defence budget especially, $50 mil, or maybe $10 mil per YEAR is nothing at all