Kaneda Jones

some how I was magically smart enough at that age to realize buying those toys were a waste of money and that the shows were just manipulation. still though, enjoyed the shows, and more importantly enjoyed going to frienemies houses and playing with the piles of toys that their suburban parents wasted their money on.

I always said I don’t know why people still hire Christian Bale with his changing of scripts on movies that he’s in and other diva behaviour when they can get that competent actor who looks like Bale and was in that mini series that modernized the 60's TV show, “The Prisoner” and, whats his name again? Jim Caviezel.


you have distilled this down to an art

you are thinking of Vespas in Continental Europe. in the UK they were cool because mods were cool. cooler than Teddy Boys anyways

the link just proves code is available for assesment and all I am saying is that it under performs for how both people are using it and how Tesla pitches it to the public. the fact that its more safe than not having it at all doesnt change that.

not taxing them is not the same as taxing others. especially in this case. when a rich bastard uses our roads and infastructure and magically doesnt pay for THAT then he’s ripping off the rest of us

Boeing gimped the FAA and NTSB by convincing them to rely on Boeing data solely in all cases. strangely we ended up with the 737 Max debacle.

regulatory capture, aka allowing companies to self regulate, is not a must have feature. transparency is necessary going forwards, and currently enough data is pried out of Tesla

Yes they can, but considering how few of these will sell its unlikely anyone would bother. You need a large pool of customers to buy your reprogramming kit or it isn’t worthwhile.”

if trying for resale on the grand scale.  but not only are there hackers that’d do it for free on principle, there are many people who

they are evil rent seeking bastards who think they are entitled. they should have left the car at the higher price and deal with the fact no one purchasing their car is getting the discount. OOOOOOOOOOOR they can lower the price.

there is a legal right to re-sell your property and here is Tesla breaking that, if you

agreed. their derailing has been very successful while their entire arguement is defeated by googling “Hollywood military propaganda” or “military-entertainment complex” which got me lots of results of what he thinks is missing.

WAIT WUT! she directed Near Dark? tres kewl

people should stop saying “donated” since they still own the hardware when the movie shoot is done.  try the word “loaned”

the idea that the movie is teenage girl material instead of creepy basement dweller who threatened to boycott the movie which means only seeing it twice in the theaters instead of five times.. thats funny lol

well, he’s contractually obligated to. if you want American military hardware in your movie they get the right to object to the script. its why some movies (transformers included) have weird nebulous made up military forces instead.

I see Shin Godzilla as a nice reinvention and snicker at the Shin-G Evangelion pun. meanwhile from what little I have seen from Shin Ultraman, it looks like it hasn’t been messed with much at all and that might be bad for it. the Ultraman anime based on the newest manga is what I would expect from something with Shin

15 years? try 9 months

“ ..who only recently have had a sports betting investigative unit within the FBI. They’re good, but they’re inexperienced, because sports betting has never been a big thing in America until recently, so everybody’s kind of finding their feet on that one ”

uhm ok. what the heck is he talking about? theres a chance a

what? a gazillion comments and no one mentions Nintendo is trying to emulate EA and Activision lately? pfft..

wa going to call you out for being wrong since I could not for the life of me wrap my head around “Need for Speed” being as recent as the 1990s until I realized I was getting it mixed up with the “Test Drive” franchise.

hell I’m a SJW and I know “rights” aren’t real especially those given by the sky wizard