pushing bounderies or being greedy make up your mind. so if I fucking grift but do it in Jesus’ name then I’m doing it fine?
pushing bounderies or being greedy make up your mind. so if I fucking grift but do it in Jesus’ name then I’m doing it fine?
the branding on the shoes can stay but using the Nike name in the title on web pages etc is a problem. if they are to get nailed for being misleading that will be the only place it can happen where as being sued because a bunch of religious xealots are boycotting Nike over it would not fly in court.
“be quoted verbatim for purposes such as..”
seeing as how they were not quoted verbatim but transformative which is allowed, I think you need to admit you suck at reading.
“If you’re a no one selling a handful of pairs on an etsy store, sure.”
its bad enough you don’t know the law but then you make it a different rule for different people. thank you for further proving how much you don’t know.
that Medium article you linked to is perfect. it deserves the noble prize in literature
Medium and Substack are truly the disruptors that we all deserve
the spelling mistakes are multiplying rapidly among all of the Kinja hosted pages and people are being ravenous fiends about it in the comment sections but I have always felt sympathy for the writers themselves who seem to have good intentions overall.
a rudderless ship is bad for everyone.
if the raking over hot coals…
I guess I see your point about places not admiting they are not gonna make it BUT if anything screams “It’s only a matter of time before we have to give up the ghost.” to Venture Capitalists it’s the likes of Uber and any number of other disruptors who will ‘one day’ make a profit.
this has not prevented people with so…
I thought a while ago we decided all forward facing trunks would be called Frunks.
make artist Samuel Rauda is a youtube star as well as makeup artist to multiple famous people whose net worth was claimed by some to be as low as 650k as of 2021. meanwhile others claim higher.
any mention of Ronald McDonald makes me think of this..
I am nearing 200 hours into BotW on Cemu and do not have a controller with motion support. the 200 hours is because I’m grinding in the game before doing almost any of the plot points. Covid therapy - I live in Hyrule now
you are the first creative explaination of why the article fails. thank you for stating things much better than “this is news?”
but the huge numbers of people pointing out its not news will somehow miraculously turn this all into a “something”
keep up the good work people this will be fixed in no time.
you are coming to a site named “AV Club” as in the audio visual club in school nerds belong to, for news? they report on entertainment figures and Fox “news” has the same distinction that professional wrestling has, its “entertainment” and I use that loosely for both.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaw was dissapointed by it not being a story of what I assumed based on the picture, namely that he was homeless and liking in a car down by a riverbank.
that situation where you point out you are not racist because race is not the criteria that you use to judge others.
then the statistical analysis comes back and your large assumptions of people’s character coincide with their skin color.
and then you make yourself feel better by saying you magically saw enough evidence…
make a TV commercial with accurate names but white actors going through the situation the way it played out. end the commercial asking why the NRA is not fighting for this man’s right to defend his home. isn’t the death a tragedy etc.
then post that EVERYWHERE