the first I heard of the settlement I said to the spouse that it probably is to get in front of a not guilty verdict.
this way they can turn to protesters and say please don’t be mad, we gave them all this money.
the first I heard of the settlement I said to the spouse that it probably is to get in front of a not guilty verdict.
this way they can turn to protesters and say please don’t be mad, we gave them all this money.
when a black man is charged with a crime, or when he is a victim who’s name must be smeared to justify the cop’s crime against him, the release of previous criminal records, guilt by who he is related to, and all sorts of slander, is perfectly fine with cops, judges, lawyers, and government employees.. all before…
“I didn’t know about this guy. Did he ever meet up with Team America?”
pretty sure. and if not I think both had run ins with Ghost Rider though.
“Fascinating how so many of these characters that last appeared in this comic pop up in She-Hulk 6 years later.”
when She-Hulk was a comedic comic it had to mine the depths of Marvel’s absurdity. It did so while still giving the crazy characters some respect too so it was great.
for those who think ‘she was a teen, it was a long time ago, she has already apologized’, heres the thing about that.
there are two possible things meant by her saying “Those tweets aren’t who I am”. she means I am no longer that person or I wasn’t even that person back then. the distinction is important and she should…
how are the two situations even different? I could see if you were dismissing colorism of this type but you describe two of the same thing and tell me one is no big deal and the other is?
in case you missed Whatupdoccc’s comment up post,
“It’s a scandal because they hired her in the first place to play a darker-skinned character, rather than higher a darker-skinned actress and this unfortunately put her in a position of further contributing to colorism in Hollywood, which is rampant. She’s not the…
ok thanks for the info. I knew the info was in there somewhere thanks for dragging it out for those of us who havent gotten to watching the video.
the lack of extra doors gets in the way of its intended use if it was to be used in America though.. so, uhm ya..
“Oh you, this is how snark on the internet works... just pick something and bitch about it.”
the meta, it just fumes off this comment.
its a shame that you state it as a matter of fact and also acknowledge its just something your brain comes up with despite the evidence. defuse the power of stereotypes by refusing to repeat them
agree with all you said and want to add that I was angered when I saw choking women wander into vanilla porn. I will not kink shame concenting adults but there’s been a rise in the number of people’s first sexual encounters involving the freakiest of things that they didn’t know they were in for. enough sexual assaults…
I read the explanation about the type of phone interface that leads to a comment like that, and thats probably it, but I am surprised that no one has mentioned the other likely reason.
A thing developed a while ago where people acted like there was a dramatic pause between words so that there was emphasis on every…
uhm. no. thats not how that works.
as for examples on whether she can string complete sentences together or not I like these quotes, which also seem on topic.
its called deflecting. it says more about the person saying it than the person the comment is about, and saying comment sections are some magical light hearted land of bullshit is a stupid excuse
“Maybe I’m misremembering but isn’t there just a child actor rule that *no* child on a TV/movie set is allowed alone in a room with a non parent/guardian adult?”
hours they can work, and the whole being supervised thing, has been around for a while, at least for younger kids but lets see, Trachtenburg was on Buffy…
“Ok fine, sorry for being insensitive, but it always helps people take your comments more seriously if you articulate them better”
and the weight of your statement is based on how recently you’ve been in a movie and how poplular it was too I guess?
the world doesn’t revolve around whether you pay attention to it or not.
either sentence does not go against the other. they cover same ground. what the hell are you complaining about?
when it comes down to a person who worked on it has a sicko deviantart page but no negative content in the game, I would not support taking my contributions out of the project as long as the person had been kicked off the project.. I mean I guess.
but then we get the slave girl and the lizard people? I would yank any…
just a joke dude. y so serious. butt hurt snowflakes