Kaneda Jones

meanwhile muslim and non muslim babies and children are on no fly lists just for having the foreign equivilent of “John Smith” while no one bats an eye.

when I first saw this online I wanted to post it to ‘The Root’ or ‘Jalopnik’ as a suggestion for a little cross promotion synergy for Kinja. I see the occasional story like that round these parts. someone go tell the best person for cars over at ‘The Root’

the deep purple song Highway Star inspired a manga that was a never beaten racer who if he was beaten to the top of the mountain he would arrest the guy and not tell anyone since he was secretly a cop.

He did it on his own time and not consistently. sporadically enough to get nicknamed the black ghost.

as a white guy in Canada I can confirm white people are everywhere. it gets annoying I know.

green hood and pointy nose means Doom. Iron Man had a nose for a hot second then the editors said OMG that looks horrible.

If you can be dead for two months and media outlets don’t notice until the family mentions it...is it really news?”

thats journalism for ya.. sitting outside famous people’s houses waiting for the first signs they’re dead. /s

news means new did you fuckin know he was dead before now? then its news

I WAS going to ask how Bayonetta beats out Ashura having not played/watched a playthough of Bayonetta.. but I think “she ended her first game by punching the physical embodiment of divinity through the solar system and into the sun” kinda answers that then.

I used to think Futurama was over blowing it during that skit but then I made it to the 2010s and had my Ad Blocker stop working for a while and holy shit they called it accurately.

Now playing

liek the original played the Sugar Ray cover and he couldn’t pull it off- if you cover something make it new cause when cloning you will always fail or at best just suffice so why try.

I had to clean my pallete with another cover - its not the best but at least its earnest and tangetially covid-19 related (they in

hm or more accurately musicians are not considered essential services? what do you mean get a real job!?

“They’re generally not riling up the masses for dumbshit conspiracy theories, and certainly not in any sort of deeply felt or directed way.”
not yet.

I feel that the outcome is good not because his mother “gave him what he wanted,” but because she stopped talking to the part of him which was frustrated because he couldn’t communicate what he wanted.”

My spouse babysat four kids and the youngest would smack you hard to get a reaction out of you. they turned to the

your comments about MMOs reminds me of when quest games and FMV games turned into dialog trees in all game types and quicktime events in all game types.

I think it’s funny that, while what you’re saying is true, this isn’t even smart capitalism. There’s a way to do bussiness, and this is pants on head stupid. You want to deal with countries with limited governmental controls as a capitalist, not... The CCP.”

wut? thats stupid. the shear population alone makes up

now, now, they will do a thin attempt to placate the left occasionally, which is then decried by right wingers as a giant shift by the evil corporations that they normally bend over backwards for. yes the end result is they (mostly) go to the right, but they do play both sides when it suits them.

totally right though.

so this really IS turning into an issue with ethics in game journalism, and it doesn’t have anything at all to do with whether someone has ovaries

bad choice of picture because it looks like you are giving us an example of 34% adult.

Don’t make Dinklage mad he’s been know to kick a person to death.

in the angled picture of the blue one, the red one’s front tire looks over sized.
