Kaneda Jones

To be honest, it’s surprising that it’s taken this long for such an example of cash-in pandemic-sploitation to arrive.”

I find it funny that the plane in Uncharted is a very special plane reference.

the normal layout of the engines on that make and model (a 1967 Grumman Widgeon G-44) are flat instead of the robust round engines you see there, except for a few modified ones, with one ending up being used on the eighties TV show Fantasy

Pete’s acting was good but the writing for the skit sucked. I had just said during their fake news, however, that Pete’s, speech? monologue? whatever they call it when he rambles at the anchor desk, was real clever and peppy. he’s getting quite good at those and his stand up special was good too. he keeps getting

was there any scalping though? its not like it went into depth about WHY there is a shortage. it wasn’t a dissertation on economics. it was just saying wow these things are hard to find.

I am angry with consumerism like you are (I don’t even celebrate Xmas) and I found their use of a 20 yr old song lack luster, but I

was thinking it was a throwback clip being reused for the holidays or sumthin then the ps5 popped on the screen and I was like WUT had to look up Stan just to be reminded it was 20 whole years ago. I immediately expect the same people who yell at The Simpsons for doing a joke thats a year or two out of date to be

dunno if this applies to the shady webpages since they do eventually tell you the full price, but at least in Canada theres rules about hidden costs when it comes to print advertising etc.

All-in price advertising is the law. If a dealer advertises a price for a vehicle (new or used), that price must include ALL fees

love the prototype and for nay sayers it could have been even worse than the released Nomad.

man that prototype looks sweet compared to a nomad. I had one and it looked like it was trying too hard for stylish good looks (which it failed at), and ending up making it uncomfortable to hold.

on the released Nomad
why make the buttons rounded ovals that your thumb slips off?
why make the bezel around the screen asymm

the rest of the news coverage and speculation from Theme Park Stop about Super Nintendo World

Now playing

for those curious about the mechanical side of it this seems to be about the manufacturer.

other videos by the same channel have layouts and design work for the park but I specifically like this vid for showing the possible guts of the ride.

thnx for the wall of text that turned out to be informative. if people around here are going to debate whether it had problems or not good to know what its guts actually were.

when I saw a Youtube vid describing how ZombiU was a sequel of an old nes game I was stunned. both games seem quite inventive. (never played either though)

who ever thought the Wii-U gamepad was a good idea seemed to have pushed for the same uses for the switch when it comes to multiplayer - in demos anyways.  I wonder how many games will use the more unusual capabilities of multiplayer on the switch.

Some companies seemed to refuse to even try to release things for it so ya I get you thinking nothing good came out for either Wii or Wii-U

as for 3rd party Wii titles I can remember, it turns out my swiss cheese memory can’t remember titles but enough games left an impression

there’s that Capcom pirate quest game

wow dude on the left looks like Alan Tudyk was pushed through a drunk dad mid-life crisis filter

and yet the original whine about the article is free and clear right?

Also so little was known about the HIV/AIDS virus at the time and so little effective treatment not much could’ve been done to save those who already contracted the disease.”

thats why work towards prevention was needed instead of going “oh well, its a gay thing so no biggie”

charities fought for public awareness

started recently playing Super Mario 3D land and had at first thought this was a screen shot of something similar didn’t realize at first it was real.  when I did I was thrilled until I saw that huge staircase in the middle that even if we ignore wheelchairs is gonna be a prob when someone trips and rolls down that

so back to sitting awkwardly on tree stumps in the forest then?

well the election won’t be over until Trump has installed his forever throne.

but ya they acted like it was to scare people away from the polls and that shit is done and over with regardless.