Kaneda Jones

It’s not like this is The Division or Call of Duty. And it’s not a war being run by crazy people like ResetEra vs. Cyberpunk. It’s fucking Animal Crossing.”

how is it different being Animal Crossing?

looks at game with actual historical politician in it, whines about opinion piece on the game for being political. XD

cry me a river snowflake

I always hate that vehicles are getting larger and more cumbursome to drive but I want to see giant tires on everything instead.  those wheels look fantastic while the inflated mess on top of them is.. uhm.. I can’t even think of what to say.

An American ship, the USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg (T-AGM-10), posed as a Russian ship in the 1999 horror film called Virus. this delightfully informative article had my mind wander back to that movie so I searched for info and found someone who took all the ship shots from the movie so you don’t have to watch the

a guy studying chimps came up with an interesting theory on the origins of laughter. he noticed baby chimps who were startled or scared, but then otherwise safe, would laugh. he realized “oh thats shocking” combined with “but it didn’t effect me” = funny as fuck. probably just a body shunting off the adrenaline off to

with the old spin off of EX called Fighting layer having been successfully brought back as Fighting EX Layer, one would hope for some love for the original Street Fighter EX games but I always felt once Capcom moved Street fighter into the 3D world for the main series they’d now think the EX series is redundant. A

as a occasional user of soulseek I hadn’t thought of looking till you mentioned it - how silly of me. I think it might have been labeled as Overclocked, with the letters OC on the mixes. I’ll let you know if I find anything. the cool thing about them was how much they sounded like music done above and beyond chip

loved the whole EX series and didn’t mind the music but the best Street Fighter tunes I ever heard was a remix album of Street Fighter Alpha’s soundtrack by some indie artists but the soundtrack seemed to be official *I THINK* could have just been some fanboys going nuts but after I lost it in a hard-drive accident

Now playing

back in the day I was flirting with a sexeh smexeh cat girl who loved Gothic architecture and classical music. having just started playing Phantom Dust at the time I grabbed the “Memories” tune that plays while you are in front of that pillar of monitors and made her a vid, only for her to point out that it was her

so the word basically in “basically has no function” mean mostly, or nearly? why use weasel words just commit to being wrong and say its solely piracy.

he said he GETS the paid for it being a red flag. what he doesnt get is why “online play” by itself can be argued to be proof of piracy. IF its because online games require specific servers which means you are being very specific in what you are adding then OK but even then with cart dumping its not a defacto piracy

true everything I said seems very impractical in retrospect, almost as impractical as the paw-paw tree itself XD definitely not a yard tree that’s for sure.

less than a week ago saw an episode of “The Beverly Hillbillies” that involved a paw-paw tree, so the spouse looked it up and discovered that at one point they were very prolific locally here in south west Ontario up here in Canada. we found that odd with the climate being so different from the southern U.S.

sounds like it needed hammocks underneath the tree. then after they fell you could just empty the hammocks. maybe wheel barrels?

we said the exact thing bout Trump and look what we got

when I went to show the spouse the clip I said he doesn’t blink right before he did a blink storm.. but I realized that if someone fakes Zuckerberg not blinking its not necessarily a failure if one of his traits people pick on him for is his lack of human movement XD

I see sloppy work, possibly on purpose, for every deepfake in the video except for 90% of the Trump/Sassy footage. eventually it fucks up but I am shocked at the quality of that part of the show. I would bet they hired someone with a matching lower jaw and then just deep faked the rest of the face.. or something

“Fuck you with your false equivalency bullshit.

1) James Cameron isn’t making anyone do anything. They all signed contracts agreeing to this.
2) Twilight Zone happened because the production BROKE THE LAW, asshole.

Negligence leading to death is not the same as training to do a stunt. Fuck you, fuck yourself, you fucking

I for one wouldn’t blame it ALL on the execs but MOST of it. and what then happens is they think the studio programmers are to blame for not pulling off the job they had been given.   hell, even if they had no hard feelings I can see them being dumb enough to think the buying public not wanting their poorly executed

based on the fact previous games were horribly executed action shooters that sold poorly I can understand their first reaction.