Kaneda Jones

making your actors do tough and strenuous things just for the sake of how it looks on film is the kind of thinking that had a helicopter land onand kill actors during the shooting of “The Twilight Zone: the movie”.

method acting is one thing but directors demanding realistic shit is dangerous

thats one way to look at it, and it is how it turns out when its shallow, but a civil debate between people who disagree, and who also prepared before the event can have both sides asking questions of the other side that they might not have addressed yet while giving speeches on the campaign trail.

ya I was going to point out how the original doesn’t like being a meme.  maybe this new guy can take over if we need to have it at all.

I can’t remember exactly why he refused to buy a Japanese car, but I believe it had something to do with a trade embargo on American vehicles being sold in Japan.”

Japan blocking imports is relatively newish in comparison to the oil crisis when America shifted to cheap economic puddle jumpers that, at first,

another possible comparison to the Chinese breaking Japanese goods in a performative action can be Americans breaking their items of companies they no longer support due to politics. also, When the govt owns a TV station and chooses selectively what to show, you also sometimes get small protests being held up as

“It still boggles the mind how they can hate the country, but like its culture.”

see case of: most of World vs U.S.A.

love your movies, but can you stop bombing us and/or fucking with who we elect?

yes there was another option remaining. the same one facing Facebook vs Trolls. put more humans on the job to enforce and handle the replies back that they are false DMCA claims.

when companies put the desire for cash before any sense of proper behavior, they then claim they are all out of options.

someone lie to Trump a

actually they only THINK it makes them more money being a bully. there are many companies and people who have shut down other people using their stuff just to sit on it and have it collect dust thinking they are protecting the value of the stuff.

there is a solution called compulsory licensing where you take the

Sure is comfy sitting behind all that camera equipment”

like everyone who’s ever been in a fursuit yiff pile, not only can you not tell who’s wearing the suits, you also do not want to know who’s wearing the suits.

it better well be playable without the extra download.  servers get abandoned and then the physical item you bought is nothing but a coaster and that is fucking outragous to us old people who remember when the world had things in it that weren’t rentals or based on the service model. 

if ever there was a “non-english” name that rolls off the toungue easily its Kamala. geez this guy is a freaking idiot.

my alias on the internet grew from spending high school hanging out with friends who all renamed themselves to simple white names to make their lives easier. I flipped the narrative.  I only tell the

oh it was great. I like how all the old games knew they had to off load some of the plot onto the manual if they wanted more depth than they had time or space to program

Now playing

did not look at aaaaaall the comments just most so maybe I missed someone bringing this up but I like that commercial in its original form ;) came out 1981 or 1982 so right in the ball park of those channel ads Scott did too.

as for the trailer.. last car on earth? no. the last non electric car in the failed states of

why does everyone who imitates that meme make the cat smile. in the original he is not smiling but he is smug. the only person who grins when they irritate stupid people are fellow stupid people.

does Ron Swanson giggle like a mentally challenged troll in any meme he is used in?  I mean come on people.

you say the release date is 1982 but the site you link to claims 1981 when I checked. (EDIT: oh I see 1981 if you typed it 1982 on cassette)

Haunted House for the atari 2600 which came out February 1982 was meant to be scary and as long as you suspended your disbelief it could be quite scary and fun.

considering it

my local TV channel has been running old re-runs of stuff to kill the daylight hours and I have seen her in one off roles on so many sitcoms, Matlock, etc and I found her to have brought great character to whatever she was on.

although her movie rolls are great I find her TV work better, if only for quantity.

dangerously reduce potassium levels and can imbalance electrolytes”

a friend had too much sambuca (which they kept lighting on fire) at the host’s insistance. then when she got sick enough to puke up their lungs the hosts filmed and laughed until I stepped in and chased them off for thinking it was “funny as hell”

gawd dammit fuck sambuca (and jerk-faced humans)