Kaneda Jones

ya exactly. hes been the easy going I’m just looking at both sides king of civility as he introduces toxic ideas. someone upstream bitched about Bill Maher and although just as toxic he is more like the smug anti-civility champion who just likes to piss on everything.  Rogan is more like Satan running NPR

Back in the day Disney wanted to have a Massively Multiplayer game online with chat but didn’t want creepy adults and/or teens to, well, be creepy so they used a limited phrase book and really really tried to make it that nothing nasty could be said.

they then brought in one of their younger interns and told them they

cause if the same circumstances would happen anyways at least he is destructive to the GOP. thats his point of view anyhow. meanwhile there might be a side effect of the GOP seeing just how much they can get away with and being forever galvanized instead of disrupted.

I agree that the Dems need a good disruption as

Japan and to a slightly lesser extent other asian cultures, have been quite good at being isolationists for long periods during their history. a person can think the Japanese are polite to visiting individuals and thats a sign of tolerance but a major push (and literally part of their name) among White Nationalists is

plus there is the fact that one of the letters of the acronym stands for a cuss word”

what I find funny is I have seen hundreds of T-Shirts and merchandise and thousands of comments where its been “ALL COPS ARE BAD” and this whole “bastards” aspect gets massively less play. calling someone an outdated swear (a

“And yeah, I get that Xbox Series S will be perfect for some people, and that’s great, but $100 more and you get a completely uncompromised next gen console with the Sony roster of exclusives?? C’mon”


meanwhile it could have been a refference to “visual novels

many comments refer to a lack of games. I take that as touching on that whether that was to actually few releases or just few worth playing by their opinions.

and Microsoft DID try a big push to get japanese titles on their systems a bit ago but it didn’t seem to help.

I cannot speak on behalf of warframe’s implementation of compression but often you get longer load times because things are being decompressed into memory.

are we sure he doesnt write under an alias? that name sounds like quite the troll by a right winger. a bit laboured but still.

more tweaks than just visuals.

THPS1+2 also features a host of smaller changes that makes it that much better. Mechanics from later games, like manuals, reverts, and spine transfers, have been added to the basics, opening up additional scoring opportunities in levels where they weren’t previously available. New

“I need someone to explain to me what “they all got fresh new clothes” means”

the Activists are too poor to buy new clothes for rioting, so must be funded by someone who even supplied a uniform

in other words ridiculous bullshit. the only people dumb enough to fail at funding villains to act are conservatives who think

I started a business page on facebook both for a laugh and to also examine how they may try to extract money from a business first hand. part of having a business page, at least on facebook, is the ability to cue up posts to be posted between timed intervals. this shit just looks like once the dead man couldn’t pay

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the fact that she like jump scares on guests and plays game show styled games that involving being blind folded so that when the horrible pie in face or fall into ball pit etc happens its a complete startle, ya all that had my wife assuming she was the woman equivilant of a spoiled sheltered white male frat boy who

I feel bad people lost their jobs and respect the quality of work they created. that being said, I think websites that have text based articles pivoting to video has always been a stupid idea pushed by higher ups and have never thought video was needed round these parts. I’m sure video will still be pushed on people

Ren and Stimpy was a great homage to the adult oriented cartoon days from 30's thru to 50's being shown before movies in cinemas. I loved the parts of it that were that.

I also had a strong desire to push boundaries and do the whole edge lord thing at the time the show came out but it was hampered by the fact that I

not glitching for me other than it logged me out for some reason

I totally agree that if they are smart they’ll do everything you listed but it boils down to whether they do it right or do it so incredibly wrong. I get the feeling there isnt a chance for somewhere inbetween for some reason. Done right this would just be Espn for gamers I mean, thats how this should play out, right?

He wasn’t working because he raped Nicole Eggert and spends every waking second yelling about “false accusations”

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Billy Hatcher is an underrated gem and had various pokemon rip-offs to give you powers. this is just the return of the Billy Hatcher premise minus giant eggs.