Kaneda Jones

are we though? low bar if it also includes Shatner.

I always wished fire marshal Bill went into movies as a shock horror comedy. now that could have worked.

well I’ve been happy that snopes has been joined by a big batch of other fact checkers to take some of the weight off their shoulders, although there has been an increase in right wing conspiracy sites starting their own “fact checking” sites which is inevitable but shitty.

not a one of those things suggest being paranoid or thinking people are putting chips in your head.  he is schizophrenic and that does not usually mean violent contrary to movies and TV but with his severe manic highs who knows.

I was in a similar situation to the original article writer because of diabetes but it happened a year or two before the pandemic. as soon as I saw that food could kill me or at least make me blind I couldn’t bring myself to eat much at all. meanwhile I’m well aware a lack of eating is bad for a diabetic too. when my

White people say “why does every Black person make it about race? us White people are so not racist we don’t see color”

White people also say “I cannot claim it was their threatening manner alone that intimidated me, it was that they were angry Black people!!! I was ethnically intimidated! oh no! woe is me!”

there were plenty of write ups of how they had a messy Asian street with nonsensical signs when they shot that one Avengers movie with Hawkeye as Ronin. that was based on stills of the set but when the movie came out there was very little of the place in the movie anyhow.

dear America.

Since the 2nd Amendment does not apply to all people equally then I suggest no 2nd Amendment at all until you straighten out your business.

keep these special children but forsake my workhorse A10 fleet? sacrilege!!!

(and thanks guys as you often write about how it is a travesty as well)

Or are you saying I said basically what the article said?”
ya that. the headline is “NY lawmakers propose hate crime legislation”
because there is not a way to consider it as such at the moment.  your comment was that there is no way to consider that at the moment.

“Doubtful. Filing a flase report is likely a misdemeanor in NY and likely isn’t included in any laws for hate crime enhancements.”

..yet. in fact, the article is about this exact thing so, yaaa..

Over reacting? people are hoping fear will motivate dumb white people to think twice about the conciquences of their actions. the thought that a black person might be killed has no effect on them so perhaps fear of their own demise will make a change.

I am not considering it a correct way to handle it for sure but to

“I will never understand why some white people (notice I didn’t say “all white people,” so please don’t email me explaining how you don’t own a gun and how your name isn’t Karen) want to be oppressed to the point of taking up arms.”

now now think about it - its just the reverse order that humans use to get to where

the last picture looks like AltF4 Cosplay and she’s from Australia too


modern generational theory seems to be referring to the time period most of you were 12ish years old or so. its about experiencing it instead of the time period you where being diaper changed etc.

you mean kitty pryde? I kid I kid..

This exclusive preview of John Constantine: Hellblazer #5"

just the cover? or is the gallery part of the page not loading for me..

I assume that video is the one calling them out on the BS but I need a link to the original “problem” video.  you know, so I can formulate my own opinion on it.  repeatedly.

this is a shared universe. because of that this is a world where Hitler did not die in his bunker with a self inflicted gun shot wound.

so I’m ok with thinking thats a butterfly wing beat that messed Germany up enough they are producing cars at a faster pace then the rest of the world at that point. so by that idea you

an idiot in town was tagging “Duce” all over the place and then switched it up to “ADT” (saw a sticker explaining ADT was Duce and with shit drawn on it too grr) and for some reason he had other alias at the same town as if to support imaginary friends or something. he spoiled others bad tags he spoiled other people’s

and yet under the steering wheel you see the top of the screen at a lower level than the screen on the side. they filmed it at the right angle thinking they were hiding the two screens. wow nasty of them