Kaneda Jones

funny you should say his work is sometimes considered too alien, for I would think he and artist/designer Geiger would get along greatly.

*looks at helicopter blade styled windshields*

Oooooooh so he’s THAT guy! mystery solved.

maybe we could ask late stage Ayn Rand bout that.

one of the ways that you can tell web sites like Splinter are dying is the lack of comments. especially the long winded worded ones.

its a desert round here.

there is a spooky zombie fur faction. which sometimes blends into juggalo furry faction.

many of the spooky furs draw what looks like indigenous ghost tales. thats your thing in the back.

did her Husband take a dig at her? I like that. she be like don’t forget my birthday is coming up and he be like like ‘Ah yes.. the international day of sadness’ LOL

sidenote: I know someone who’s dad died on 9/11 by heart attack.  you are sad in the hospital for your own reasons and look up at tv in the waiting room

they would have gotten more done if they fired the Baroness and hired some sassy black woman for that single woman employee slot they had.

Inorite? always bothered me that the “drain the swamp”, although a reference to something hard to walk through or work with, just gives the impression that the only good swamp is one that’s drained and has a mini mall or condo put on top. =(

geez meanwhile all the characters named after lame ass white ’rock n roll’ and ‘metal’ albums and artists.

quite the contrast.

now what needs to be done is a cross referenced data base of who has given their previous games horrid reviews aaaaand who is considered a security risk when it comes to getting a review copy.

there will be no massive ven diagram overlap AT ALL..  I’m sure of it.

up here in Canada our state sponsored TV station tries occasionally to diversify and just the other night I realized that it has followed the usual pecking order. Four white ladies got a sketch comedy show before the four dudes of color who just got their show. I suddenly turned to my spouse and said “wait a minute!

People speaking English who pronounce croissant in *French*”

In my teens/twenties, out of respect of the language it originated from, I started pronouncing the food Gyros like its pronounced back in Greece, ‘eeros’ but then continuously bumped into the problem of native Greek speakers who ran restaurants giving me a

meant to post this earlier but got side tracked. anyhow a day or two after your comment I saw this roll by on the internet.

well if they keep doing things like this..

Many evangelical speakers and media outlets compare Trump to Cyrus, a historical Persian king who, in the sixth century BCE, conquered Babylon and ended the Babylonian captivity, a period during which Israelites had been forcibly resettled in exile. This allowed Jews to

nah we got a big Antifa vs yellow vests up here (in canada they are a nazi take on the french movement thinking france’s only prob is the immigrants), and the problem is we have the local Anarchist collective being in the forfront of the multi political point of view antifa organization. it makes it that its way too

it currently feels like the true Jesus followers are few and far between while the Christians who only follow old testament and book of Revelations but then name drop jebus every third sentence are the dominant form of Christianity.

just ask that fig tree. or was it an olive tree? anyhow tween Jebus kicked it’s ass.

they try to raise publicity but will go like most church films running hat in hand to church groups asking them to buy tickets.

thats why the ‘God aint Dead’ series of films can claim to have made money.

I think its the disarming process they claim will lead to violence. this makes sense since the only people I ever see talking about devestating country alternating race war (due to the uppity blacks attacking), are the whites who are the most likely to go bat-shit insane over the smallest of slights.

besides, Austraila

no you read that correctly.  the trailer had our one lead help refugees at the end of the movie however. I expected them to hate that part but not the rest