Kaneda Jones

they were expecting it to be released only after the socialists took the guns?? makes this movie’s PR team as good as those evangelical preachers foolish enough to give exact dates for the end times to their flock.

many in the audience did as well.

now you made me sad for a conservative. shame on you!

(its why the left loose wars, they have empathy)

hes been up here in Canada, making z-list Italian mob flicks, payed for by an actual Italian mobster wannabe who makes money off of energy drinks, sooooo I’m gonna say no.

you can feel great sitting in your own cloud of confidence and farts then, when others tell strangers you dont know, exagerated and made up lies about you.

the fact that many will believe it at face value will do nothing to shake your world.

be best.

GOP against liberals, and Christians against anyone not their brand of Christian, are constantly using a technique where their enemies are BOTH the most devastating force of nature and the most ineffectual kind of people.

progressives are so soft and weak as to need safe spaces
are also changing the very fabric of

eew. get it out.

sidekicks are always the better written well rounded characters.  its why I married a main character.

my wife’s research into the quiverfull movement and other fundamentalist and evangelical church members (she does it as a strange hobby?) has had her come to the conclusion they worship strongly, and bring up often, the old testemant wrath and vengence styled God, while claiming its in Jesus’ name.  makes no sense.

been contemplating having a shirt printed up with the pattern they use to add cgi to movies. that way I can feel ready to be pasted into the next marvel blockbuster if they finally return my calls.

suspected british tabloid hyperbole with the headline.  was not surprised to have country of origin confirmed.

Ring uses the footage in its advertising disguised as news. they show crimes thwarted by Ring cams to suggest they are worth buying. police are enjoying the existence of the data and are in turn contractual obligated to sell the cams and never say anything bad about Ring.

sooooo, please, tell me more about how there is

when there is dark rain clouds over a mall parking lot I want to cross, this is what my mind thinks will happen any minute.

How the everlasting fuck does wearing a pair of nasty yoga pants make one feel more ‘Murican?”

The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun in a postal truck is a good guy with a gun in a... FedEx truck?”

that there is some quality free market saving us all.  small govmint and arm the companies!  /s

ya doesn’t just reak of the situation being “ellipticalsmith” finally had people stop engaging with him so he logs out and Acolyte of Megatron”’s account gets logged into, to try the provoking tactic of the obvious lie all over again? damn this shit gets booooooring.

I’m glad more and more people know or learn that fact. so much human bias has been thrown on animals observed in the wild. wife and I bonded in our early days over our dissing of useless male lions lol

dear Trump supporting, Nazi media backing (Breitbart etc) Jews. Trump has just “othered” you guys so fucking hard. welcome to the world of “there are good ones and bad ones, but they all suck”

“(do y’all seriously think people actually take their political marching orders from Susan Sarandon???)“

Susan Sarandon’s DOG.. don’t be erasing her part in this mess. we don’t care who Susan votes for, just her mutt.