Kaneda Jones

“no contact for 11 years next month. But now she’s got cancer so we’re drawn back into the fray.”

I wanted to say that cancer doesnt make someone have to talk to someone, and that the no contact can continue. then I remembered my friend had no contact with her dad for ages then had a smidge of contact during the end of

ploy to excuse both nazi uniforms AND the fact that so many nazis are basement dwelling hentai/anime fans.

there seems to be an abundance of former trump voting farmers willing to speak on leftist or neutral news shows lately. I keep hearing “I had voted for him but not this time”

been to a few funerals, and also when my mother died she was kept alive on a machine for half a day and I will tell you this.  the dead don’t look like their living selves.  get over it conspiracy nuts.

that hood is a shitty skin

I agree with those who complained and think it should just be Bonesy re-released.  now that the new dog is gone there is no way for new people to get it though? well that sucks.  do a full body color change instead of just that lame ass hood.  for those comparing it to skins on other models that hood doesn’t pass for

french art-house. some call it horror but its not too much. more like suspense.

perhaps this will help those offended by all the syrup-sweetness around here.

yes, lets hope the end of Epstein is not the end of Epstein.

and lets break people’s brains.. he had a large painting in his house of himself in the middle of a prison courtyard while a riot goes on in the rest of the huge painting. he told the visiting reporter that it was there to remind himself that he was easily going back to prison one day. this proves he was obsessed with

many prison suicides are slow strangle while dangling from a low tethered position. it is a shame he wasn’t in a cell with no bed at all like those at the border camps.

now I’ll have to go look at a episode list to maybe see what the illnesses are. some things like mitochondrial disease are quite dubious and wi-fi sensitivity is straight out there bonkers. meanwhile the show runners could quite possibly be shit heads, considering how many people are organized in their complaints.

for quite a while claims of automation has been used to hide low wage workers. you actually gonna say “robo-harvester” with a straight face? lol

avowed enemy of all solutions to gun violence”

I dunno. I have seen him roll back statements he has made, because the GOP neuter him after the fact, but he has a history of shooting his mouth off against guns and making fellow Repuglicans shit their pants.

how is it that:

It appears that Cofer was out as a trans man to only a handful of people, and there is no indication at this time that his gender identity was a motivating factor in his death

Every gun control argument I’ve hear explicitly favors power structures over marginalized people.”

well if applied equally it would cover marginalized people of course. please give links to examples of it applying to marginalized people exclusively or with some kind of inbalance, big or otherwise.

just like if I thought false flag attacks worked (they seriously don’t - more trouble than they worth in this modern world)  I’d scrub my online persona as best I could and retweet all the russian bot pro Trump bullshit.  its not like its difficult to wear the persona of the enemy these days since all sides are at a

I seem to remember the biggest evidence ‘socialism’ is bad was crop mismanagement causing mass starvation. some fella named Stalin or sumthin? will be interesting to see how the American rendition of that plays out.

he has an anarchy flag. joke gif checks out. not all antifa is anarchist but I’ll assume the one with the flag is. no proof he’s antifa I guess.

and being an incel not one of them. and on the other side, theres lots more incels than mass shooters and the ones that aren’t mass shooters are still often toxic trolls, but still.. that ven diagram isnt following ven diagram rules. lol

your even handed cool headed response to my, in hind sight, apparently dickish comment, leaves me with no other recourse than to stand down.

curse you, civility.