
Those posters made me seethe. She might have known. I personally think it’s feasible she didn’t (too high up the food chain) but she wasn’t the abuser and it makes my blood boil when people will find a reason, any reason, to somehow blame women for men’s crimes.

That was an absolutely straight-faced quote about rape.

I dunno, to me it reads as an aspect of our culture of cynicism, that people need to rush to tell us how little they care about things, including death and Elizabeth Gilbert. Such a hurry, that they forget that they’re talking about a real person that died, and a real person that lost someone they loved.

Really? I looked at that pic and asked, “Him?”

Too many now a days forget that humans are capable of changing.

^^ THIS ^^

I...don’t get the outrage. Are we working on the assumption that every song performed by a singer is an autobiographical claim? Because that’s...just stupid. Cher didn’t write that song, anyway, ffs.

I have worried about a slight variation of this, that my cats will starve because my corpse doesn’t come in chicken gravy. The younger one would be okay, but the older one really doesn’t associate a substance with food unless it comes in a Friskies can.

But no“My Favorite Murder”? What kind of true crime list is this?

The worst part of that is they got the wrong guy. The culprit turned out to be Rodney Stanger.

Your opinion is wrong and I’m embarrassed for you.

Not too surprising. President Xi has long been a member of Taylor Swift’s posse. It’s a shame that Hadid became collateral damage!

Thank you! Immediate calls for resignation because of one incident that we do not have all of the details about is ridiculous. He’s not even touching her body in the photo, there’s kevlar and a two-inch plate between his fingertips and her actual boobs.

I don’t know what it means or says about me but I knew what Gary that was going to be before clicking and thought “I’m glad he’s doing good”.

Here comes the liberal circular firing squad.

outcast “coalitions” of two to four male lions don’t get to have sex with females until their take over a pride.

As a total murderino, I had heard these tapes so many times before. Seeing it on-screen was so eerie. He seemed more like the real Ed Kemper than Kemper. Absolutely amazing actor.

This reviewer is horrible! It’s his first job on the avclub and instead of saying sorry I guess I was wrong especially to you younger viewers who totally would not know who BTK was...he sticks the knife in again! And doubles down on that he was totally right in his actions! I honestly hope it’s his last time

I guess Fincher said the cat thing was to imply there is a potential future murderer in her building on the path to, oh, you know. Torv had thought it was about how the victims only matter if someone is there to miss them.