In the second shot, his face and neck had turned from a normal color to ashen gray. From most to least likely, he’s bleeding internally, or he suffered spine or windpipe damage that either stopped his heart or kept him from breathing. I know that’s frustratingly inconclusive, but it’s the best guess I can make without…
MOST service dogs here watch out for invisible triggers, such as debilitating seizures or other problems that can affect day to day life, and are trained to watch for the warning signs. Apparently, some conditions give off certain smells or something before it gets bad, so the dog has time to warn the person and…
Rule of thumb: if you refer to women as “females,” you’re just telling on yourself.
Those only count as the worst if you ignore the Bear River, Oak Run, and Wounded Knee massacres though...
She really is a dead ringer for Darlene!
I’m really surprised she is having another baby. HG is fucking horrific.
I love Airplane!, and this is probably heresy, but I actually think the first Naked Gun was better.
LeVar Burton: I remember doing the obstacle course against Kurt Russell. I don’t remember how I did, but I’m going to say for the purposes of this conversation that I smoked him.
Sherman’s Highway To The Sea.
Oh absolutely, no contest
THANK YOU! Same. Christoph Waltz is hot.
We as a society really need to get over the idea that there are two equal sides to every story. No, we don’t need to have a “dialog” about everything. The world is round, climate change is happening, humans are a product of evolution by natural selection, and racism is wrong. Period. When you treat these people like…
I would demand half a mil, and a lifetime pension for carrying their spawn.
“I think her story is much more complex than being a gold digger.”