Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.
Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.
Another proud graduate from Midvale School for the Gifted.
When I worked at a theater, this woman came storming out of a movie after watching for almost an hour and demanded her money back. The reason? She hates “underwater movies”. The movie? Hunt for Red October. SMH. First, it should have been pretty darn obvious from the ads and movie poster that this movie was an…
You can shit on Bob Crane all you want (in fact he would have liked that), but Richard Dawson was a goddamn gentleman.
My daughter was 2 and during a flight to Portland her binkies took another flight, to Montreal, to visit binkie relatives. When we got home she discovered a postcard from them saying they loved Canada and they wanted to stay. She agreed to it.
Haha. I was on a plane once when a drunk woman sitting across the aisle gave the guy next to her a handy under a blanket. it was SO obvious what was happening and just weird. The best was when the plane landed and he said “it was nice to meet you”.
Getting warm is fun, snuggly blankets and sweaters. Getting cool sucks, it’s all peeling off sticky clothes and laying motionless in front of a fan.
Someone should have warned him the British were coming.
Anywhere in the tropics, it’s pretty normal. When I went to visit relatives in the Philippines, you see them all over. And people pretty much ignore them. Took me a while to get use to it.
Don’t ever live in the tropics, then. EVERY house has lizards. It was the most normal thing in the word to me growing up.
Accent suggests Australia, lizard suggests sub-tropics, my guess it’s somewhere in Far North Queensland.
But what about the lizard crawling on the wall?!?!?
I am guessing he is a giant narcissicist. Especially after Gone Girl’s success.
Can't we agree to find some common ground and ally against the true enemy: reptile guys?
Well I had sex with your wife!
Maru. There is something so therapeutic about watching a cat fit itself into boxes of all shapes and sizes.