If you’re 39 years old and deciding to crash a college party, life ain’t working out the way you planned it, even before the guns get brought up.
Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick will not disappoint!
I like Bates and Anna together, I just wish they’d stop putting on of them in jail.
I still squee over Carson and Mrs. Hughes! And Mr. Bates, rowr, love him and Anna. Of actual people, I’m rooting for Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard.
Best Double Creature ever. They never work for me - this one is the exception.
Your opinion re: the minimum wage don’t impress me much.
Confession: the only pregnancy craving ever had was with my son, for Popeye's Red Beans N Rice. I would drive out of my way to purchase the little (seemed like thimble-size) individual serving for lunch nearly daily. Sadly, he remains a very gassy child, nigh onto twenty years later.
I’m sorry, I double posted. Just another Montanan effing up on the Internet. GOD DAMMIT.
Hey, thanks for linking to my vivandlarry.com website!
Putting dark eyeliner on your waterline actually makes eyes look smaller. Imo, the only thing that should ever go on the waterline is a light flesh toned liner— it brightens the eyes and makes them appear larger. But it’s so not necessary! (Ignore anyone who suggests white liner- it never looks natural and is not…
I guess I just know it’s supposed to go out your cheek, but what part? And how close to my hairline? And some people put like a dash on their nose/forehead for evenness?
This is why if you are going to do the safari thing, you should go to Botswana where hunting is illegal and they have incredibly strict limitations on how many people can be in a concession at any given time and how many cars can be near the animals and how close and all that. Plus, most of the concessions are…
We’ve been looking at houses recently and we looked at one with awesome built ins all over the house, and a huge amount of books in each one. Just hundreds and hundreds of books. So awesome, I wanted to live there with all the books.
So weird. A neighbor moved into our building a few years ago and did a beautiful job decorating her apartment...except her books were just decoration. Apparently, her uncle died and she picked up some old ag books he had in the basement, along with gauges from farm equipment. She said she “doesn’t read” because she…
So, so strange. Shit, I’ve been in drug dens that have books - or at least a magazine or two.
I babysat for my BIL and SIL once when their firstborn was very young - an emergency thing and of course the special little flower had to be put down in only his own crib so I just went over there. I got him to sleep then sat down to read (I always have a book or Kindle with me). However, I couldn’t read because there…