
This is where I have to jump in and defend my man! lol

Maybe she stored her bellybutton on a large ship and the child commandeered it and took off for international waters?

It was an awesome performance and I hate to be one of those people, but I do have one complaint. Gladys Knight was in the audience!! Why didn’t they have her and Patti sing together? I saw Gladys in concert and she is still completely awesome. Maybe the show producers were scared of the potential for spontaneous

I don’t know either. In the tutorial vids they always suck in their cheeks and then go from there. But some go up way high and others not at all. And then is it different if you’re contouring? I don’t know, I stick to my tinted moisturizer and figure if I want to blush I’ll just think of something embarrassing....like

I wear blush but I am always nervous I’m wearing too much or have it on the wrong part of my face.

Me too. I have small eyes so I would really like to get some eyeliner going to make them look bigger. At the same time, I sort of have a thing with eyes, thinking about stuff getting too close to them weirds me out. For a long time I thought the only option when applying eyeliner was to put it on the waterline. I

I happen to have giant feet. I pretty much can never find women’s shoes to fit off the rack so I’m stuck buying men’s shoes. I look at the brightly colored shoes with envy. Not all of them are to my taste, but I would love to be able to wear something with color rather than my dark blues/grays/blacks I wear now. I

I guess my compassion left me too because I found myself hoping that his death was painful. Just a few weeks ago 60 Minutes had a story about safari tourism in Africa. I didn’t watch the whole thing because it gets me too upset, but basically they breed lions so tourists have cute cubs to play and take pictures of and

Gah! I hate it in design magazines/tv shows when the books are shown as just decorations, like when a person buys a book because it has a blue spine that matches the walls or something like that. Books that have a meaning to the homeowner make the space much more beautiful in my opinion.

That is my dream. When I plan my dreamhouse I picture lots of built ins and even a little library ladder. The pictures of gorgeous home reading rooms make me drool. I don’t like the particular style, but Downton Abbey’s library is pretty awesome.

I first read tablet as toilet and I was going to say “Oh I wouldn’t judge, I love reading in the bathroom!”

I’m going to go ahead and say he was a serial killer. He probably came out of his room, looked for you, and then realized his plan to appear normal had failed and spent the rest of the evening in his basement torture dungeon.

That’s fair and I am currently in the process of trying to just order kindle books because I’m running out of space for physical books, but I think for kids, having actual books is important too, even if they do their reading primarily on a device.

I hate the thought of the parents being embarrassed. My dad wasn’t a big reader, mostly just newspapers, but he would take me to the library whenever I asked and sit in the little rocking chair while I sat on the floor and read books. My mom was the one to read to me every night. I know how lucky I was. I still see

With his full name. Not just “Joe” but “Joe Smith, son of John and Jane Smith” in a snazzy embroidery.

They don’t have room? Were you sending him home with the Harvard Classics 5 foot shelf? Who doesn’t have room for a Clifford the Big Red Dog book in their home?

Like when they were ‘fire and ice’ or whatever and he had to go all out and have colored contacts and everything. The dance is like 90 seconds long and I don’t think the judges have ever been so overwhelmed by costumes that they give a 10. I think Derek is good at highlighting the partner and working to her strengths

Imo, I think Rumer is by far the best dancer. I had no idea how she would be and I’ve been very happily surprised because she nails it every week. I think she should have had all 10’s by now, but they have to build the suspense.

I remember on one of Manny’s 24/7 episodes they talked about his renewed Christian faith. At one point one of his people was talking about it, saying he needs to be better, and Manny said “just do what I do.” In context it sounded like Manny was comparing himself to Jesus, I remember rolling my eyes at how pretentious

I’m more confused about why it says boyfriend report card, but all the men are married. Shouldn’t it be Husband Report Card if anything?