
One of my cats gets very panicky if the bottom of the food dish is at all visible. She brings it to my attention while I am sleeping. I have learned the difference between her “I want love!” purrs and the “Help! You can see a microscopic portion of the bottom of the food dish!” purrs. It is a loud, aggressive purr

No way! I also had a thing for Disraeli!

Haha! I stayed home sick one day, sometime after my Heston crush and watched "An Affair to Remember" and was like who is this Cary Grant person? Why is his voice so awesome? Why is he so handsome? Why is he perfect? So hooray for watching old movies when you're sick! And I fell for Bogie in The African Queen. He was

My teacher showed it to us in 6th grade, it took us like a week to get through it. I fell for Charlton Heston hard, like my first ever adolescent crush. It was a brief infatuation, but it was intense. I would go through the TV guide looking for his movies so I could tape them. It was the first in a long series of one

When we went to look at some cats (just to look, not to get) one cat immediately stuck her paw through the bars and hooked my shirt. She kept doing that, generally waving her paw around like "it's me, you want me! Pick me!" It was just me and my mom (I was 12 I think) and we took this as a sign so of course we got

Wow, really? Did her parents speak to the administration? What a damned if you do (“no, you’re too confident”), damned if you don’t (“you’re too quiet and shy”) situation.

I'd love to do this to my mom, but I know she would kill me. Even though I'm 32 and she's 63 with back problems, she would rage enough to actually kill me. But to see the look of shock and then quickly building anger on her face while I shout April Fool's! My god I would love it.

Last episode is Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson get married, but they cut the reception short because Anna is in labor and Mrs. Hughes wants to be there while Mr. Carson will wait with Mr. Bates. Thomas gets hired as valet to a handsome rich guy who is actually gay and he and Thomas fall in love. Mrs. Patmore and Daisy

I bet they both love singing The Name Game. "Tuck, Tuck bo buck, banana fanna...."

Oh good, I thought it was some dirty word from another language but I'm relieved my first instinct was right and it was just a horrible labored "joke."

Which picture is Stacey and which is the cat? I can't tell.

No, but she needs to grace the world with her magical presence on Monday evening network television.

That totally reminded me of one of the cats we had when I was a kid. He was about the size of Piglet and one night I accidentally dropped my chicken leg on the floor and he was on it! He immediately bit into it and then started to growl when I reached to pick it up. Probably not even a full pound in weight but willing

And see that's where this gets so difficult. To me, it is an unacceptable slogan and it's not like a family could get up and walk out of the airplane if they didn't want their children to see it like they could at a restaurant. If you asked the rest of the passengers, maybe the majority would say they find it

Wow, that is awful. It makes me wonder about the thought process behind its purchase. It would be interesting to act stupid and say, "I don't understand your t-shirt. Could you explain it to me?" and see what he says. I enjoy dark humor, but that it just stupid.

Yeah, Bruno annoys me. He so obviously says stuff just to set up sexual innuendo. I don't mind a cheesy pun but he's trying too hard (or the writers if they give him lines).

Holy shit, why hasn't Dolly Parton been on DWTS?!?!

I gotta say, I agree with the airlines. I don't consider myself a prude, but sometimes I see people wearing certain t-shirts and it's like good lord. You wear those at a party or to a bar, not out grocery shopping. I saw a guy in the store wearing a "Cats suck" t-shirt, the image on it was of a cartoon dog holding a

I predict the tabloids will still have "Angie baby bump? Inside her miracle pregnancy" on their covers.

I was going to post a picture of a guy in a full body cast, but this is much better.