
My grandpa always used a hanky...he may be the only person I know that did. My dad (the son-in-law) always thought it was the grossest thing and never used a hanky. And yet, every Christmas my grandparents gift to my dad would be a box of white hankys. They genuinely loved my dad and I don't think this was a passive

Yeah, I found it oddly innocent. What happened to smashed windows and slashed tires?

I'm not a fan of lemons so I don't keep them around the house, but I'm fine with lemon soap. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look for it online.

When I was 13 our main telephone broke. It was 1995 so it was a corded landline that hung on the wall. My parents had saved our old phone, one they had since before I was even born I think and it was big, yellow, and quite old fashioned, but obviously quite durable. As they were putting it up on the wall, I lost it. I

I was googling 'cat needs to lose weight' earlier today. I have three and one is normal size, one is a pound or two overweight (has that little belly they sometimes get after being fixed) and the third is just a big chubs. I had to lift her off the counter today (she'd been sitting on the toaster—four slots, wide

The "as I said before I've got full-blown AIDS" gets me every time.

I don't know. They look like they may only be for women with six foot long legs and one foot torsos.

I do a bedbug check first thing and then look at the sheets. I booked a room at a hotel I had stayed at several times before. At the end of the day I got ready for bed and pulled the sheets back. There was a speck of blood. It grossed me out, but it was a king-size bed and I figured it was a clean sheet but the stain

The third one with Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson! (Yeah, I know it's behind the scenes, but still!) She's like "yay! He proposed!"

What about the smell of onion on hands? After I chop up an onion, my fingertips can smell like onions for days, no matter how often I wash them or use a nail brush to get under them. Does a lemon work? I've heard to use salt and rub hands on metal, but neither seems to work for me. Maybe I just have hands really

Totally agree. When I get chapped lips, other lip balms feel like they are just coating my lips, but not really healing. Carmex definitely heals. I don't think I'd want to use it as an everyday balm (but I don't constantly use lip balms like some people) but it's my quick fix whenever my lips start to get a bit dry.

Totally agree. When I get chapped lips, other lip balms feel like they are just coating my lips, but not really

Making a cat dance for one's life partner goes beyond the physical realm of pleasure. Slightly lifting a cat to a semi standing position and wiggling it to music is the most intimate experience two humans can share.

Yeah, throughout the article I wondered what his condition is, particularly since he visited a sex worker that could work around his physical limitations. And why would going down be limited unless it was purely from a no libido at all standpoint?

Probably gets tom cats to murder her enemies.

Man, I had to scroll a lot longer to find a reference to his falling off stage than I thought I would. But I have to give it to him, he kept cool and didn't immediately scream "oh fuck!" so good for him. I remember Mindy Kaling wrote about how she watched that video and couldn't stop laughing and people were asking if

If Oprah and I ever sat down for some girl talk, I would totally ask her what her bra size is. I never really notice her chest, but then I see a photo like the one here and its like damn!

Another time I asked a walmart clerk if I could please borrow a pen and then said thanks when she gave it to me. She said "wow. You don't know how nice it is to hear those two words." It's like come on people, those are some of the basic rules our parents are supposed to teach us! You don't stop using them when you're

Last week a friend and I were at a local family run restaurant, which is very low-key burger and fries type of place and the waitresses are usually pretty young. It had been busy because of some sports events in town. When my food came I said, "Can I get some ketchup please?" The waitress, who is in high school,

Oof, that would be tough. I don't know what I would do if put in that position, I would be devastated if my mom didn't know who I was. It would be especially difficult if the person was unhappy. Fortunately, my grandma was always happy even when she was confused. There were other residents who weren't though, crying

"if you're going to wander the halls asking where you are at least bring me a heating pad!"