
My grandma had dementia. Through it all, she always knew my grandpa. One time at her birthday she was smiling and enjoying the proceedings. She must not have seen my grandpa come in and sit beside her because when she finally turned her head she saw him, got a big smile, and said "oh there you are!" I'm very glad for

What does Billy yell at around 4:55? The audience is laughing too loud, but whatever it was made Conan laugh.

I think some people just enjoy that sort of thing. I don't use makeup other than a tinted moisturizer, but I like using different lotions, body washes, and perfumes. Sometimes when I read/watch women expertly applying makeup, particularly eye makeup, I feel like I have somehow failed but ultimately I know we just all

My grandmother had brain cancer related dementia. Through it all she managed to stay happy. Sometimes you knew she was there, with you and aware of everything. Other times, not so much. Our last conversation when I knew she would die soon, she was with it. I could tell by her eyes and how she responded to my inside

I went with my mom and aunt to visit my grandfather regularly. Though he was mentally sharp, he was on the Alzheimer's ward because he needed monitoring after having some falls. The visits were depressing in the way all visits to nursing homes are, but I still enjoyed them because my grandpa was cool and funny. But

When I was around 13 or so I saw an ad in a magazine featuring Marcus Schenkenberg in underwear. It was a revelation to my budding hormones. I cut it out of the magazine and put it on my wall, which up to that point was covered with kitten posters. I think the photo made my dad very uncomfortable.

Reading this column is interesting, but it brings up my oily skin anxieties. I feel that somehow simply reading about someone putting oil on their bodies and face will make my own pores clog up. I just can't imagine. I have to read all labels to make sure there is no oil in the product or I will definitely break out.

I live in a small town with no public transportation. When I travel to a large city I usually have at least one Howard Hughes "the germs! the germs!" moment when I think of all the people that have held on to this stair rail, sat in this bus seat, touched this door handle, or (when in Vegas) pushed these slot machine

Yeah, like when I take a paw and pretend I'm eating it...I just have to forget that they use those same paws for scratching in litterboxes.

I find that the food/drink in question impacts my willingness to eat it after my cat gets to it. I find them drinking my glass of water? Gross! New glass. Oops, I looked away and when I turned back they were licking my pizza? I'm eating the pizza.

Especially in public bathrooms. At home I use Method soap, but out in the world everything is antibacterial. At work we have the plain pink antibacterial soap and I hate it...it's not even the nice foamy kind! If we had a suggestion box, I would request foaming non-antibacterial (so..bacterial?) soap.

They were great. "Isle...get it?" His enthusiasm was lovely.

It sounds like I'm taking it too seriously, but I really liked that Brad and Jane were really good at what they did professionally. Not the usual sitcom, bumbling through a job sort of thing. Actually I guess they were all fine except Max, but Brad and Jane had it all. I love them.

I've always had a fear of water and never learned to swim. My brother recently told me he dropped me in a pool when I was quite young (like a kiddie pool though, not a full size pool) and had to help me get out. So then my fears all made sense. How many phobias are brothers responsible for in this world?

If Vine had existed back then, this would have been my brother. Except it would have been him putting me in various professional wrestling finishing moves until my dad told him to knock it off or I cried.

During my summer vacations when I was around 9 or 10 I would stay up late with my dad and we would watch "Are You Being Served?" We both thought Mr.Lucas was much better than that other guy...can't even remember his name now...and laughed at the pussy jokes and Mr.Humphries is gay jokes. It's a fond memory. Now I'm

They'd try to unblock your airway but would just be too darn slow!

I'm terribly worried that something may impact my feelings about Atticus. I hope he is the same Atticus I know and love.

There's a woman in my town who frequently goes for the "men's undershirt-no bra" look. As with so many of the woman who wear this look, she is quite busty and has reached the point in life where the boobs tend to want to be as far apart as possible. I expect her boobs to fall out at any moment, but it's not like I

This was a revelation for me. My mom always wants her soup practically boiling. She never complains unless it really is cold, but she'll make a remark about it being lukewarm (just to me, not the waitress). Meanwhile I am blowing on every spoonful. When she makes a soup or stew at home, forget it. I have to let it sit