
I would say US attorneys and other similar political positions are a mixed bag. Some are really hand off and let career civil service people do their things and people like to joke that they only show up for press conferences. Strom Thurmond Jr. former USA of South Carolina is a good sample of people

On top of my head, can not name some one of Bachs' generation for HLS professors who transitioned successfully back into full-time or even significant/non-vanity part-time big law partner/of counsel.(Maybe Arthur Miller of Wright & Miller fame for someone of different generation)

Most ADA/AUSA have pretty friendly relationship with the local white collar defense bar. Heck, in this eps., two AUSA openly talking about "dating" with those law firms among themselves. So it's not that unusual. But Axe doesn't behave like the usual hedge fund clients.

N is usually NYU. But it's also depends on where you are. But it's rare for people outside of Chicago/Midwest to put Northwestern in CCN.

Wasn't Bach Bryan's professor at Harvard Law? So they went way back.

The AUSA of SDNY don't get home at reasonable hours. THE US Attorney of SDNY can get home whenever he wants. He can just say he will stay in the office til midnight when it's not his days with the kids.

Given that Axe was still suing Chuck, I wonder what's the repercussion of such communications between litigants without their attorneys present? If the show is more realistic, can Chuck by sanctioned by the court for initiate ex parte communication without Axe's lawyer around?

It would be more interesting of Chuck get an Raya account like Wag did in the season premier. Or it's just a one time product placement like the Taiwanese Whisky brand in the 1st season?

So does anybody else think that Swiss-German sculptor was setup to give Chuck more head-lock with her legs down the line?

Damn, Selina Kyles on Gotham make me miss Deva Hopewell from Banshee.

So, Lenny was the Cardinal/Archbishop of New York. One of the most high profile diocese in the whole US. People can see the current incumbent Dolan showed up on TV/Photo with mayor/governor/presidents. I remember visiting St. Patrick Cathedral when I went to NYC for the first time, there were some Midwestern

Given what was shown in the beginning of Episode 10, Thomas got a pretty full on blast of radiation when he was a developing fetus.

Given what happened in Japan after WWII, that people don't want to marry Hiroshima/Nagasaki survivors, I wonder how the alternate world would view those people who were in Washington DC.

And his choice damaged his cause. Churchill's relation with Louis Mountbatten had soured by that point. And most people who cared knew about the Battenberg/Mountbatten switchroo. A Danish house name and less personal reasons for Churchill to oppose could had been easier case to make.

As I mentioned elsewhere, Philip's choice of adopting his mother's house name was perplexing, especially that his mother was never a Mountbatten, since she married before WWI. In term of established dynasties in 1947-53:

Still, it's interesting that he was fighting for his children to have House name of his mother, rather than that of his father's. You would think Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg or just Glucksburg would have much less German baggage then Battenberg/Mountbatten in 1953.

House of Hanover ended in UK. But Victoria's uncle's line ran Hanover til 1918. And House of Hanover may rule again if enough people die to put Alexandra of Hanover on the throne of Monaco.

I was expecting VA's would have one of those chair, or its FPI Unicor equivalent.

So if I am hearing what Jay is pitching to Darius right, that by marrying Tiffany, Darius would be set-up for life by eventually become general manager or head coach at her father's team.

So are you are/were a frequent/long-term resident of Psych Ward in a Federal Pen.? Please enlighten rest of us.

"Bayley(who did make a fatal mistake here)"
People saying that, but what mistake did he made?