
Didn't she join the breach of peace created the situation to began with? To late for her "to kept the peace."

"Physical force gets expansive meaning in SCOTUS interpretation of domestic-violence gun ban"

"At common law, Sotomayor said, the element of force in the crime of
battery was "satisfied by even the slightest offensive touching.""

Did you missed the part that I said what Bayley was righteous self-defense? How is that erasing his agency?

I didn't say Poussey was violent by nature. I can not control how you choose to read what I wrote.

Poussey's intent was to interfere with a CO/guard from carrying out a lawful order from his captain with physical force. It wasn't like Bayley was restraining Suzanne in an abusive/excessive manner. She committed quite a few felonies right there.

Suzanne was piggybacking on top of Bayley multiple times. Both McCollough and the Captain had to peel her off his back.

Just re-watched it, and Suzanne keeps pushing Bayley downward. She jumped on his back and McCollough had to peel her off Bayley's back, then she returned to attack/push Bayley down. So it's not clear if Bayley could lift his knee even if he wanted to.

Just re-watched it. Bayley was holding Suzanne. Poussey sneak behind him and forcefully grabbed Bayley's arms to release Suzanne. That's definitely put her into the assault/battery on a correctional officer to prevent him from carry out his lawful duties. There are people serving domestic violence sentence for

The point is that as Poussey was assaulting Bayley first, she was not an "innocent." Bayley's response was righteous self-defense and wasn't excessive or lethal until Suzanne's attack/push added to his weight, resulting in fatal blow.

I would dispute your and Tastey's contention that Poussey was "innocent" in regard to her own death.

No. Poussey attacked him first for trying to stop Suzanne from self-harm and taking her to Psych. In California, that can get her charged for felony that used to be called lynching.

I think with the "but for" factor of Suzanne's attack, I think Bayley has a valid affirmative defense from any potential charge.

Bobby just put his name on some high profile building in NYC with his $100 millions naming right purchase. And he had done that level of "donations" several times before. Average New Yorkers may not be familiar with Black Rock or Stephen A. Schwarzman, but the people I know recognized his name from the naming of

"It’s a circuitous path to getting back at Bobby"

And he was recorded of saying that he had one drink, then changed to 3 at most. A quick eyeballing of that guy put him at say between 180-220 lb range. Someone in that weight range can have 3 drinks over a long dinner without going over 0.08 BAC that make it into drunk driving.

Conrad Hilton, the original, died in 1979 before his great grand-daughter Paris was born.

We do know that her grandfather was a police officer who patrol the beats in (pre-gentrified) Bushwick.

Is it really whitewashing when so much of the character's backgrounds details were so similar to Eliot Spitzer?

Lara was identified as Irish in the pilot. Not that necessary means her husband is one, too.