
They really should show what happened to Tara, maybe with the FBI agents interview her in a jail meeting room, to show how Axelrod wreck people's lives for illegal gains.

But she would still be alive and not in jail.

The whole show is about how by using all sorts of unethical/illegal methods, Axe Capital and its fixers obtained all sorts of inside information to get their 32% YtD return. How is SDNY USAO different from those companies they traded on?

In the pilot, Rhoades was willing to "put in a word" with the General Counsel of GE to about the open head of HR position for his wife.

Her career with USAO is the last thing Tara should be worry about.

She is a medical doctor with a specialty in psychiatry. Top practitioners in private practice in NYC region can earn over a million/year in private practice. On top of that, while she didn't prescribe "happy pills" to the guy in the pilot, the dialogue does suggest she did that for her other in-house clients. She

Abby stated she did visit frequently and her parents would know about it if they weren't so busy RVing/Cruising.

Becca's famous enough that her pregnancy was scoped by TMZ. It's totally in character for Dr. Harris to insert him into the spotlight.

Maybe they "gifted" Abby with partial ownership and need her consent now to sell their own shares. It's not uncommon for California farming/ranching families to transfer partial ownership as "sweat equity" for tax purposes.

"Second of all, he's her subordinate."

Was it was to for Dr. Kane to accept a monthly payment for "the rest of his life?"

"His crime? Refusing to name a source …"

I was hopping like what happened with Felicity's cloth last week, the high speed movement create enough heat to cook the raw fish by the time he return to ArrowCave.

Trystane's mother is not Dornish. She is a noble woman from one of the free cities. So that can explain why he has lighter complexion compares to his father.

I guess I need to find a way to watch it with a subtitle. Maybe it's some regional idiomatic expression that sounded fine to the writers but weird to American audiences.

I heard it as "What drawn you here, Pappy?" Maybe because it not as random as greet an uncle-in-law with "Who drowned your puppy?"

Did I misheard, or did Lelia call General Tariq "Pappy?" So she is Tariq's daughter. And Tariq is a brother or cousin to Khalid?