
" Insight (Insite"

They are his family, grandfather and uncle, on his maternal side.

Based on the fact that Mrs. Sadler wouldn't tell Sarah her source, my bet is on Ferdinand.

My bet on the mole is Ferdinand. I can see him leaking information to Mrs. Sadler to earn "punishments" from Rachael. Mrs. S wont reveal it because Sarah was still upset about M.K.

"Nice little moment between Piper and Suzanne’s mothers—they don’t know
the complex relationship their daughters shared back in the first

It's surprising that how unprepared Lara is. They had set up detailed contingency plans for the whole family to flee for a long time. Suddenly, Lara decided that it would been "unfair to the boys." So all those original plans didn't cover her financial needs anymore if she doesn't flee the country? And she had to

Chuck's blind trust loaned Ira the $8 millions to buy into the IPO. So he is only broke if his "lender" call-in for Ira to re-pay the loan. If Ira is not in condition to repay the loan, than it's in his best interest not to antagonize his creditor. And what can he expose that's actually illegal on Chuck's part?

People can sue for whatever. But on what ground would Ira have a successful claim against Chuck?

Ira borrowed $8MM from the blind trust. So how does his source of financing relevant to defense? Even if the defense can get discovery that far, Ira can honestly say he knew nothing about the investigation directed from EDNY.

Dake was sent in as "interim" USA for EDNY. So it's clear to him that if he wants to remove "interim" from his title, he needed to play ball with Chuck. We had seen in season 1 how much a former SDNY USA is worth in private sector, and we are reminded even the head of criminal division of SDNY are worth over a

Chuck would have to recuse himself(again) until the divorce became final. And even after the divorce, a good case can still be made that it looks bad for him to prosecute the employer of his ex.

The episode showed the price dropped as people in the newsroom mentioned the people who were "sickened" by the ice juice retain lawyers. And further dropped when public health official closed down their retail outlet. Once the "hedge fund hijink" is exposed, those "downsides" goes away. Would it totally recover to

Lara's extended "family," helped set up her IV business competitor with a prostitution ring. Axe tapped the same "family" connection to recruit "ice juice victim," so it's not like he was unaware of Lara's connection to family/"family." And that's why he don't want them in his doomsday bunker.

Ira's shares are still in lockup, so he would still be fine once the share price recovered, and it's money he borrowed from Chuck's blind trust anyway. The pre-IPO stock price for insider like Ira are usually low, that's why $8MM can turn into $125MM on IPO. Once Axe's manipulation is exposed, the share price would

The $8 millions is just lend to Ira for him to buy out his client's equity. Rhoades Sr. placed additional 700,000 shares once it reached $30 was what "wiped out" Chuck's blind trust. So it's more like he risked $8 millions out of his $30 millions blind trust initially.

The EP of the show explained in season 1 that it's in a sketchy dangerous(to humans) neighborhood that kept rent low when asked about how she could afford it on an personal assistant's salary. (But you would think Supergirl should have reduce crimes around her with her superhearing and gentrify the area already.)

Bruno's nephew, Marco, is the new county executive officer/administrator. So the bonds are at county rather than city level. 80,000 put it between Ulster and Rensselaer county in term of population. Or top 20~25 county out of 62 NYS counties.

There were also less states in 1916. And DC, PR, etc. didn't have representation back then. (Just looked up, it was 48 states) So 37/48 is still a pretty good ratio.

They do name their more important "boats" after states. As someone said, "Fishes don't vote." The state naming convention only work if you are going to have about/around 50 examples of the type in the fleet, i.e. like the BB in the old days. Or there are about 55 SSN/SSBN/SSGN in USN, so they can always lobby the

The most famous "Creole" language in the US is Hawaiian Pidgin thanks to certain TV show. There is also disputes about the status of African American Vernacular English/aka Ebonics, like the "I speak Jive" scene in certain Airplane movie.