Did anyone else think that Stannis's teeth looked particularly gnarly last night?
Did anyone else think that Stannis's teeth looked particularly gnarly last night?
In just a few short years, I’m going to love my teen the most I have ever loved him and he will hate me and that will just make me love him more and I will have my heart broken in the most beautiful way like when I was a teen myself.
A pool party without the Black Eyed Peas sounds a trillion gajillion times more fun than a pool party with the Black Eyed Peas. I never go to parties unless I can get assurance, in writing, from at least three people, that none of the Black Eyed Peas will be there.
And jorts, dear god, don’t forget the jorts!
Pictured: Barack HUSSEIN Obama uses his Muslim powers to give entire islands The Gay to keep them from telling the truth about #BENGHAZI.
we’re fucked.
An “inevitable” candidate is bad for the party, no matter her chances of winning the general election, because only a primary challenger will really be able to push issues that we want discussed in a meaningful way. Who do we want to see, Jezzies? Elizabeth Warren, for sure, but who else?
She’s a godawful candidate. Our country is caught in between the Devil & the deep blue sea
If the GOP picks a nutjob like Cruz or Rand, Hillary.
Her, so long as the shitty mobile tech bubble holds out until after the election.
I have been a nanny for 12 years. I have nine nieces and nephews. If you’re around a baby for ten minutes and the grossest thing that ends up in your mouth is a binky, it’s a good day.
Look, if it’s good enough for Ariana Grande, it’s good enough for Joe Biden.
I jumped off the Biden loving train when I learned of the role he played in the anita hill trial. I don’t think anyone can call themselves a feminist while supporting Biden
Is it wrong that I am drawn to the idea of “joy-riding down an unpaved road without a seatbelt half drunk?” Of course, growing up in Nebraska, that’s pretty much how I spent my teenage summers.
black cops can be bad, too. when minority cops kill minority citizens, they're still the tool of the majority.
One thing I found interesting in recent news (and by "interesting" I mean "depressing and soul crushing") is that, while 36 black people were killed last month, officers being killed in the line of duty is at all time low and, according to an NPR report I heard over the weekend, there has been 46+ days without an…