kamla devi

You know, I have a feeling Joss Whedon's work isn't going to age well.

I may get ripped for this but...the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Did anyone else think that Stannis's teeth looked particularly gnarly last night?

In just a few short years, I’m going to love my teen the most I have ever loved him and he will hate me and that will just make me love him more and I will have my heart broken in the most beautiful way like when I was a teen myself.

A pool party without the Black Eyed Peas sounds a trillion gajillion times more fun than a pool party with the Black Eyed Peas. I never go to parties unless I can get assurance, in writing, from at least three people, that none of the Black Eyed Peas will be there.

And jorts, dear god, don’t forget the jorts!

Pictured: Barack HUSSEIN Obama uses his Muslim powers to give entire islands The Gay to keep them from telling the truth about #BENGHAZI.


we’re fucked.

An “inevitable” candidate is bad for the party, no matter her chances of winning the general election, because only a primary challenger will really be able to push issues that we want discussed in a meaningful way. Who do we want to see, Jezzies? Elizabeth Warren, for sure, but who else?

She’s a godawful candidate. Our country is caught in between the Devil & the deep blue sea

If the GOP picks a nutjob like Cruz or Rand, Hillary.

Her, so long as the shitty mobile tech bubble holds out until after the election.

I have been a nanny for 12 years. I have nine nieces and nephews. If you’re around a baby for ten minutes and the grossest thing that ends up in your mouth is a binky, it’s a good day.

Look, if it’s good enough for Ariana Grande, it’s good enough for Joe Biden.

I jumped off the Biden loving train when I learned of the role he played in the anita hill trial. I don’t think anyone can call themselves a feminist while supporting Biden

Is it wrong that I am drawn to the idea of “joy-riding down an unpaved road without a seatbelt half drunk?” Of course, growing up in Nebraska, that’s pretty much how I spent my teenage summers.

To be fair, you guys make an exceptionally cute couple.