
All these games are great, but I feel like Axiom Verge is probably better than Thumper on Switch... then again, although I love Thumper, playing it on Oculus Rift means every other version seems inferior to me.

It’s not a minor fact that the PS4 also cost $100 more than the switch. I’m sure that the Xbox 1 costing $100 more than the Ps4 at launch was also a significant factor to it’s success too.

Isn’t doomfist more or less a melee hero though? I mean his little shotgun blaster is more of a cooldown filler than main source of damage.

I hope she throws everyone through a loop and she’s support. Because we really, really need more support heroes. I’d accept tank as well, but we got murder the other team pretty well covered under defense and offense heroes.

God I wish it wasn’t a F2P title...I mean I get it, ofc, that’s how mobile games make money. Let’s just hope it’s getting new characters is the money grab and not “energy”. I hate that mechanic.

Didn’t even get my alert e-mail for the amazon pre-order... like what chance do mere mortals have?

As a off-healer (lucio, zen) main, most of these sound like pros rather than cons. A dps who works best when he sticks close to the group and protects his healers? Sign me the fuck up. Granted a smart Reaper and a good Mccree “should be” doing the same thing but half the time I’m left to trying my best to protect

looks like South Korea’s supports did a hell of a job there. Great sleep, great boop.

As someone who watches NLBC every Wed. I’m happy to see idom prove himself at a major... now if we could actually get this guy to go anywhere he might actually be dangerous.

I made the mistake of playing JSRF before Jet Grind/Set Radio. I found it difficult to play the older game because of the lack of freedom. The areas you got to play in were way more sectioned-off so it made the game feel super small.

Arcsys helped published skullgirls in Japan as well, btw, so not altogether impossible.

My dream of a versus Arcsys game has now been realized... please, please find a way to throw a couple of GG characters in here for full measure.

if you are on a PS4 and have the time/money and patience go ahead and get

Of course I didn’t think this was an intentional dodge, and I don’t know why you would think that I did. This was more of an amusing accident that highlights a problem with general hitboxes. Of course you can’t run around sitting to avoid doomfist and hope to not get killed by everyone else.

Seeing this video, and having played a wee bit of doomfist myself, I do think the hardest thing they are going to have to work out is his hit boxes.

I really hope this is the case. Didn’t want a Wii U, but really really wanted Bayonetta 2. I’m getting a Switch (once I can buy one without getting scalped) and I’m definitely going to buy this if it’s available.  

And Zenyatta as well dammit. He’s a healer too. T_T

While I lack the equipment, funds, and skill to do this, I really want Mineralblu’s job.

So what was this one piece of evidence that the defense brought up that was so powerful that it created a hung jury? You make it sound like it’s something stupid, but it has to have some kind of power that they were able to do 1 thing, explain it in 10 minutes, then walk out with a hung jury, despite the heaps of

Maybe he is closer to a somnophiliac? Maybe if he was open about his sexual deviancy prior to and explained it, he may have found actually willing participants. Having a weird fetish isn’t a crime per se (at least to me) but not letting them know what you want and how you want it (especially when in territory like