
Once again, if you did nothing, then the results of the investigation will eventually prove that out. But if you keep yelling and screaming about how you didn’t do anything, it makes you look more and more guilty.

I can finally throw away my old xbox that I keep so I can play Bloody Roar Extreme, JSR:F, and Panzer Dragoon Orta! *don’t judge me*

I bought this game and OW together and was hoping to play both... but I never really got anyone to play with. It’s unfortunate; what little I played seemed like a great game with a lot of character, but trying to play it solo was a terrible experience, and having to earn different heroes to play with, rather then

I would love to see this for the East Coast too. Team Spooky and NLBC would be fun to cover. Or something this in depth for the streaming community in general.

Lol. For 1 I have no idea where you got the idea that I was some smash fan boy, just because I believe they are a part of the FGC. I’m actually a more of a Guilty Gear fan then anything. (hence the picture of potempkin in my profile). But good job on the name calling. And yes the money you can win at Evo versus other

Evo, for as big and important as it has become is still 1 tournament, I don’t see how you would call it anything else. It’s linked for points for Capcom Cup and a few others, but it’s still 1 tournament out of several for them.

You honestly think that they would ban a player for simply not playing in 1 tournament? You think no major player in the FGC has missed a tournament ever that they were supposed to go to? I’m not even saying that Armada was ‘right’ to not compete (and he only didn’t compete in singles, he still played doubles and got

Sigh, if you are referring to the situation with Armada, he at no point asked for the tournament to stop, he simply chose not to compete, because (long story short) he couldn’t find a controller he liked prior to the tourney, and didn’t want to risk losing his win streak. The controller situation is rather ridiculous,

Can’t wait to get out of work and go watch some of these matches. Seems Tanukana has had a very interesting tourney already, if she ends up winning the whole thing that would be a very good story.

I don’t want to get in an argument with you but I will try to address a few of your points. Usually when I see vitriol (from one player base) aimed at any particular game/player base in the FGC it’s usually aimed at smash rather then the other way around. “It’s not a real fighting game” “Why is smash on stream” “It’s

Sigh, 1.) Smash is a part of the FGC, whether we like it or not. 2.) Even SFV has an off season (usually about a month and a halfish) in Jan-Feb.

But But... as a black guy I really like the skin. The Jazz overtones, the fact that his skates look like trumpets and and everything, reminds me of Big Band from Skullgirls. Yes, perhaps the golden codpiece could almost definitely go away (didn’t notice it at 1st, but thanks to this article it stands out hard). This

I really enjoyed season 1 of the anime and was hyped for season 2.... then the whole show become extremely convoluted and confusing. Then I read to wait would most likely happen in season 3.... nope, I think I’m done here.

Ice climbers main route to victory is pretty cheesy too, so it’s actually a really really smart play to just stay out of range. I can commend the strategy, but I’m glad I didn’t have to watch it.

It’s unborn, I honestly don’t give a crap what’s it’s opinion is. How about the opinion of the person that going to have to give birth to it and raise it over the next however many years. Why is the opinion of something that doesn’t even exist mean more than the person that’s already here?

I meant more in the I don’t “need” this game on PC, but I’m definitely getting it. (I also already own it on 360...)

As someone who owns pretty much everything one can Devil May Cry related on PC (and PS2, and PS4) you would think I wouldn’t buy this. You’d be wrong.

But if soooo many people have been given these deadly vaccines that cause autism, then why do so few people (mathematically speaking) have autism? If you told me right now that vaccines cause autism in .00001% of cases....I would still get the damn vaccine for the dangerous stuff that has a waaaay higher chance of

Not only that, but the picture you used has two fusions in it. Vegito and Gotenks.

My experience with the mode was similar to a lot of people at first, but then it started getting really fun, and makes you think about your heroes in a different way. I had a game as Zenyatta on Control Center where most of my team was fighting off an attack on our flag and I 1v1'd a Torb who was defending on his