
Tycho just made me think it had something to do with Marathon.... now I have to play Marathon:Durandal again.

If anyone should have gotten to choose between ults it should have been Zenyatta. is he going to pop super heals or super damage? He is about balance and harmony after all.

Without the speed quotient I doubt she would be good buff target, but hell I got three kills with a lucio ana buff so what do i know.

I don’t know about you but considering all that I’ve paid for Diablo 3 and RoS is $40 (I got Diablo 3 for free b/c I used to be a WoW sub) and I have 675 hours played on my main character (and several hundred on every other class and multiple seasonal characters, so probably around 1000-1500 hours easy) I can’t

Now, normally I detest heavy fanservice anime... but I decided what the hell let’s watch the 1st episode. Is it stupid? Absolutely. Is it entertaining? Surprisingly so. Will I watch the whole season? Probably not, but maybe an episode or 2 more.

You know what I would want more than a PS4 Neo or Slim? A PS Retro. Can play all games (from disk or PS store) from the entire PS library natively without emulation. I wouldn’t even care how big it was or how much it cost. Add in a easy way to connect to computers for Twitch streaming and you can have all my money

That’s great and all, but if you are making this thing portable than battery life is going to be a HUUUGE factor. Those of us that remember the GameGear versus the GameBoy knows how that turned out.

Clearly dhalsim crossed with Zenyatta is coming. Stretchy limbs can just be orbs. So many orbs.

Personally I actually like the suit, it looks interesting in motion, imho. Also the whites on his hands and on the bottom of his sneakers kind of look cool too. But I understand the hate I guess. I’ll probably end up switching it our for classic Scarlet Spider like I do in all Spider-man games where I have the option.

I never get any Symmetra art, she is clearly best waifu.

Ever since they announced this movie, I’ve been wondering what direction they were going to take it after they announced ScarJo as the Major.

what? yes. yes they were. None of the movies... or the shows or any of it are set outside of Japan.

What about the Arcanite Ripper? (the 2-H axe that turned you into a guitar god) I had one of those and no one could get one... until they put up the BMAH. I would think it was still pretty rare though.

But... But I actually liked Z.O.E, especially 2nd runner. Dingo Egret for President!

Everyone’s negative reaction to this is crazy. I hate, hate, HATE the F2P model, and would much rather pay $40-60 and be done then have to either earn in-game currency over a long period of time (or wait until the character is on a free weekend) or pay piecemeal to get the characters I think I might want.